Our old boiler was previously connected to my IoT system. After replacing the boiler with a new one, we no longer have this option. So why not introduce it to a new boiler?
The goal of the project is to reverse engineer the CAN communication of the new boiler and expose real-time data to the IoT. By the way, the HC-SR04 sensor will measure the fuel level in the tank.
The project will have its own PCB. Communication with the outside world will be carried out using ESP32 and fuel level measurement using HC-SR04. The SN65HVD230 chip will be used as the CAN transceiver. The software will be written in the Arduino environment in C ++ and will be powered with my IoT framework - ksIotFrameworkLib.
I've just created account here to tell you that you're probably first one that reverse engineered that Ingeno Touch product by Estyma.
I've been looking for 1.5 year for similar solution to solve in some reasonable way tracking of used pellet, because that data how much got burnt in specific period of time having data from some weather station would let me know if my efforts to improve my home have given some effects, If possibly i would really enjoy sharing what you have got there ;-)