
Lego edgedriven Ultrasonic Cleaner spinning device

To mount on a Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine so your records spin slowly while you enjoy another clean and crisp sounding record.

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The whole shabam with putting records on a spindle, on a way to expensive device was the reason I thought I could do it better.

And even this could be done better, check out my version 2.0 which can hold up to 3 records at once (and yes spin them too!).

The whole shabam with putting records on a spindle, on a way to expensive device was the reason I thought I could do it better.

While busy building a edge-driven UCRM from cardboard and 3D-printer parts I had to wait for my 0,5 RPM 12v motor and I thought why not give it a go with some Lego. We have 3 boys hopping around so piles and piles available including loads of technic lego and a 9v motor. 

Build was pretty straight forward as you can see. The basic construction I came up with fits my tank perfectly. This basic form will probably fits most tanks when tweaked a little and can be removed very easy. In the beginning the option of glueing the Lego blocks crossed my mind but it seems that is not needed. Still have to wash my first record though. Building a 0,5 micron automatic pump system on the side and have to finish that first.  Will post pics of that later on...

Added a generic .LDR file with a complete 3d model and a parts list in .XLS format.

Feel free to share this wherever you want and good luck building your own!


Parts list in Excel format.

sheet - 219.16 kB - 01/16/2021 at 20:47



Generic .LDR file.

ldr - 16.76 kB - 01/16/2021 at 20:41


  • Evolving to 3.0 with Lego Mindstorm

    Bas van lieshout09/15/2021 at 18:56 0 comments

    Got hold of a Lego Mindstorm set for €60 and decided to do a rebuild. When testing with the old unit which holds 3 records I’ve noticed that the Ultrasonic effect (ripples on watersurface) is disappearing when loading 3 records. When loading 2 records I also notice the effect is less. So decided to go for a single record option and here you go. Very simple and effective build and 100% Lego this time. Spinning is now programmable which opens lots of new options like a start and stop spinning program where the record sits still in the water for optimal cleaning. Let me know if you are interested in more pics etc.

  • Evolving along the way

    Bas van lieshout02/05/2021 at 14:11 0 comments

    Added a second row of 3d printer wheels to stop the wobbling.

    Added lights and different wheels for the motorized part.

    First testdrive with the new parts. All goes well, even with fluid added. As you can see with 1rpm there isn’t enough water sticking to the surface of the record for the label to get wet. And this is tapwater without any additives.

    Overview of the upgraded parts.

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Bas van lieshout wrote 02/04/2021 at 07:56 point

Using a Mountain Wolf 40khz 6,5 liter machine.

Paid around €85 through

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Charlie Lindahl wrote 02/03/2021 at 18:48 point

Cool project BTW.

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Charlie Lindahl wrote 02/03/2021 at 18:47 point

What Ultrasonic Cleaning machine are you using here? Googling "Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine" yields this entry (not the only one, retail cost $850)  =

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