
Backlog: Plan of attack

A project log for Cardboard Hovercraft Robot

Answering the question: Why aren't there more robotic hovercrafts?

cruz-monrreal-iiCruz Monrreal II 07/06/2014 at 20:420 Comments

I have several ideas for attacking the challenge of circumnavigating the Sparkfun AVC course in under 30 seconds (aim for the stars and you'll find planets). From a high level perspective, I'll be separating the Smartphone and MCU functions as follows:


- Game Logic

- Debug Info

- Computer Vision

- Start/Stop button

Tiva Launchpad (MCU):

- Command Parser

- IMU/Stabilization
- EDF Controller
- Power Monitor

As for the hardware, I'm going to aim for using FoamBoard + Electric Ducted Fans (EDFs) to generate the thrust and hovering. The smartphone in and of itself will unfortunately add a whole bunch of weight to the hovercraft, along with the LiPo battery. I've never used an EDF, let alone a Brushless Motor, so I'm not sure what to expect.

As for the skirt, I've seen several designs online, but very few resources on making your own. First, I'm going to check if I even need one, and if it comes to pass that I need one, I'll deal with that bridge once it's in front of me.
