
Backlog: I like it when proof of concepts work

A project log for Cardboard Hovercraft Robot

Answering the question: Why aren't there more robotic hovercrafts?

cruz-monrreal-iiCruz Monrreal II 07/06/2014 at 21:540 Comments

The very first proof of concept worked, and then some! I managed to cut some foam board with a makeshift foam cutter (Add one part ATX Power Supply, one part Nichrome Wire, one part wood, and a sprinkle of various metal hardware), and fit two 40mm EDFs onto the part. The LiPo battery and HTC One S were put on there to make sure it would actually list most of the weight.

This test was with three sheets of 1/2" Foam Board, without any type of skirt, and I didn't even need to hit full throttle to get the board to hover. This is very promising since I think performance will only improve once I actually direct the air with some sort of chamber. There was a lot of air leaking through the sides of the craft, which I hope to correct with some sort of chaimber.
