
Backlog: Switching over to cardboard

A project log for Cardboard Hovercraft Robot

Answering the question: Why aren't there more robotic hovercrafts?

cruz-monrreal-iiCruz Monrreal II 07/06/2014 at 22:250 Comments

I've decided to try out cardboard as an alternative to foam board. The largest incentive for doing this is that I'm now able to use the Laser Cutter to prototype my designs. There's a mantra that I like to abide by when working on projects: fail often and fail fast.

While I like the idea of using foam board, I had to manually cut each layer, which was time consuming and probably unhealthy. On the flip side, cardboard is really _really_ cheap, to the point where Techshop has a whole bunch of the stuff just laying around as scrap. Jackpot!

Kidding aside, I'm still not sure how I want things to fit and be arranged, and am even not sure as to what configuration I'm going for (skirt/no skirt? single/dual hovering EDFs? EDF on a Servo, or Dual EDFs? Control EDF speeds for thrust, or use rudders? etc...). I need to try out a whole bunch of ideas quickly and cheaply (I'm cheap) and cardboard fits the bill.

A main problem that I'll have to address will be cardboard's perforation. If I want to make a chamber (which is very much on the todo list), I'll need a way to seal up the perforations, which is something I didn't necessarily need to worry about with foam board.

Overall, I think the tradeoffs will be worth it, but only time will tell.


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