Here is some info about the current status of the project.
I've made a raw signal dump from a real HP DeskJet 2130 printer.
It does not contain F3 and F5 signals and has some noise, but it's pretty readable.
Printed image: test-page-fill.png
Data: test-page-fill-data.srzip - can be opened with PulseView
PCB debugging is in progress with the following results:
First: the DC-DC step-up converter changed from FP6292IR-G1 to HX3608 since the first one did not provide enough current to initiate ink firing.
Second: some issues were found while testing the module with ESP32 MCU using this firmware
- Protection circuit on F3 and F5 signals did not function properly, its width is more than 10us
As a result, I think that the magenta color of my cartridge has been burned out since the cartridge is no more printing with magenta after my experiments on the real printer.
- Some software issues exist around every third DCLK group.
Next steps to do:
1. Temporary remove protection circuit that limits F3 and F5 width and drives all signals directly with the software.
2. Debug firmware with an in-circuit debugger.
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