
Amphibious Rover - Survey, Surveillance, etc...

Amphibious (land + water) rover, similar to ET rovers sent to others planets, but for use on earth.

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An amphibious Rover, designed to monitor it's surrounding using various sensors.
* Temperature
* Pressure / altitude
* Humidity
* Gas leakage / poison content
* IR / PIR obstacle detection
To enable it to monitor and understand it's surroundings.
It can also be equipped with different sensor suit to suit a particular application

Camera is mounted at back to have a 3rd person view, so that most of the ROVER is visible for remote operator.

It is also equipped with a robotic arm capable of weight upto 500g, and has 6 degrees of freedom to reach inaccessible places to collect samples.

The ROVER can travel on land as well as float on water.
The track used is a dual purpose custom tracks fitted with flaps for it to waddle when in water and behave like a tracked vehicle on land, & hence off-road capable.
  • 1 × Arduino mega The main controller
  • 3 × H bridge motor controller To drive geard DC motors
  • 1 × Servo HAT To drive arm servo motors
  • 1 × HC - 05 Bluetooth module
  • 1 × Sports camera To get video feed

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