MK1 & MK2 led to unrecognizable blobs of cookie dough or shortbread.

The lion kingdom discovered shortbread is the only material capable of forming shapes, but it's normally formed upside down by a metal mold in an oven. Having only PLA limited the forming process to a cookie cutter.

The 1st cookie cutter was 2 parts. 1 part cut the outline. Then another part pressed the horizontal lines. The problem was either pressing the lines 1st or cutting the outline 1st always compressed the shortbread into an unrecognizable shape. A tool was needed which could cut the outline & stamp the lines in a single step. Maybe it could be a single piece mold which squeezed out the shape before baking.
The other problem was preparing the right amount of material for a prototype. 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup butter seemed to be a better match. A few drops of vanilla would keep it from tasting horrible.
Another problem was a plain shortbread starship was really boring. It needed food colored windows & a spacex logo, but this part would be extremely labor intensive.
Looks like some thing else?