
MirkoPC -> CM4 carrier board

Yet another Raspberry Pi Computer (non-official carrier board for CM4).

Similar projects worth following
Carrier board for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4.

Main features:
- full support of the Raspberry CM4 module,
- M.2 2242/2280 M-Key slot (PCIe x1 Gen2 5Gbps),
-Wifi 2.4GHz/5GHz + Bluetooth 5.0 BLE (CM4 module),
- MicroSD card slot,
- extra eMMC 5.1 memory (standard FBGA-153 chip),
- 4x USB 2.0 ports (Host mode, Type A connectors),
- Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 with IEEE1548 support,
- 2x HDMI 2.0 ports (4K @60Hz),
- 2x MIPI CSI camera interfaces,
- 2x MIPI DSI display interfaces,
- USB-C for power supply (5VDC@3A) and for boot mode (device),
- dedicated power supply connector,
- high-quality audio DAC I2S (32-bit/384kHz) with headphone amplifier (DitectDrive, 128mW output power),
- RTC clock with battery.

For current status and more details please follow me on Twitter:

Here you can find a short introduction to the MirkoPC board by Jeff Geerling:

PCB is 4-layer, with impedance control.

PCB dimensions: 100 x 100mm.


MirkoPC REV1.1 finally relesed. Please read the project log for more details and also follow me on twitter.


All the interfaces were successfully tested. All the features are working.

The first batch was sent to the first users (8 boards).

You can check my github page (for technical details) and twitter account (for the current project status).


Project is under development - I ordered PCBs and assembly for passive components.

I will receive PCBs boards in 3 weeks (up to the end of Feb), due to the Chinese new year.

Then I need about 1-2 weeks for assembly rest components (ICs, connectors) and to bring up hardware.

Here is the 3D model in PDF format and STEP file:

The hardest thing in this project is the PCIe M.2 slot implementation. I'm not sure for 100% if this will work but it seems that the design should be OK.

I would like to test SSD NMVe drives and Coral Edge TPU modules.

Target applications:
· Machine learning platform (Coral Edge TPU)
· Cloud computing
· NAS server
· BOINC client
· Small server
· Home automation controller
· Smart controller
· HiFi media player (Volumio, RuneAudio)
· Home media center (OSMC, OpenELEC, XBMC/Kodi)
· and many more...


Assembly files (SMD + THT components)

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.62 MB - 04/14/2021 at 14:21


MirkoPC user manual v1.0 2021-04-14.pdf

Official user manual, v1.0

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.53 MB - 04/14/2021 at 14:19



3D model (PDF format)

Adobe Portable Document Format - 27.87 MB - 02/11/2021 at 11:25


  • 3D enclosure model for MirkoPC REV1.1

    Mirko11/18/2021 at 23:10 0 comments

    MirkoPC REV1.1 -> 3D enclosure model -> here you can download STL files:

    After a few months of waiting, I can publish now this model for free. Sorry about the delay. Feel free to print (only if you have a MirkoPC REV1.1 board).


  • IC shortage

    Mirko06/21/2021 at 10:49 1 comment

    Still, now it's very hard to order any integrated circuits.

    I really don't know who will manufacture the next batch.

    After I will manufacture the 2nd and 3rd order batches I have to close or freeze this project due to a very hard situation on the market with components - IC shortage. Most of the ICs have lead time ~52 weeks.

    Here are the examples:



  • 2021-06-21 current status

    Mirko06/21/2021 at 07:45 1 comment

    Hear Hackaday community!

    I have to say sorry! Sorry about my no answer, sorry about my delayed response, sorry about the whole situation.
    I had two weeks off due to my personal issues.

    This project beat me - to much work, to much assembly, to much things to do in the same time for a single person, I'm overloaded.

    I tried to assembly the boards with 2 colleagues but even for that was too much work for a small team. Now I'm working alone and I really don't know that the next 2 weeks should be enough for finish the assembly of the rest of the 30 pcs.

    Sorry! This project was one of the stupidest idea that I made (due to overloading).
    IC shortage and issues with partially assembled and ordered PCBs - these things beat me - because I tried to manually assembled all the boards with missing components.

    For next few days I will prepare and test 20 pcs for the first customers that paid the initial payment - please see the picture below.

    After I will finish the whole assembly and test the rest boards (about 50 pcs and for another project - bitpirat - about 15 pcs) I will close any manual assembly and testing.

    The next batches will be manufactured by external companies and boards will be offered by at least one distributor from Europe (Denmark or UK), if everything will be OK.

    Again sorry about that situation.

  • 2021-05-28: MirkoPC current status

    Mirko05/28/2021 at 07:56 0 comments

    Dear Hackaday community!

    Really sorry for my delayed response and my project update and status. I have to say 'so sorry'.

    Project delayed about one month (I planned to start shipping in the second half of May), but the current plan for shipping is the first half of June.

    I need about 2 weeks to assembly the rest of the components. I have all the needed components.

    I will assembly manually only 10 pcs (due to is too much work for one guy), the rest of the PCBs I will order manual assembly at some small EMS company service.

    During this manufacturing stage I faced on few hard issues:

    1. the biggest issue - component issue, almost all integrated circuits are not available on market (empty stock), due to Covid, pandemic and automotive industry mass production.

    I sourced components from many different shops, such as Mouser, DigiKey, TME, LCSC, Texas Instruments, Allegro, Kamami, and even Aliexpress and TaoBao.

    2. I had 1 week of delay with my PCB manufacturer (DFM review for my approval).

    3. I had 1 week of delay due to FedEx service and customs procedure and shipping delivery.

    4. In total I have about 3 weeks of delay on the manufacturing stage due to external issues.

    5. Now I need about 2 weeks for manual assembly and about 1 week for the shipping process.

    Things to do:

    1. manual assembly 50 pcs (by me and some EMS company)

    2. create simple firmware for push-button controller (microcontroller)

    3. test all the boards and functionalities

    4. prepare the shipping for all users and customers

    5. update and prepare Github documents and user manual

    2 weeks ago I decided to left the company, where I worked as a regular employee, to have more time for the MirkoPC project and future designs and soon I hope to create my own company. Next week I will be free for 100%.

    The good news is that MirkoPC GEN2 (R1.1) will have a colored pin header (HAT connector) and unique power switch (tactile switch).

    Please forgive me for that situation, but I'm just want to finish this project and to deliver ASAP even if this is impossible these days (IC shortage times and pandemic).

    So, summarizing I need about 2 weeks to assembly and 1 week for shipping (I hope).

    I will send over 40 packages to all my users and customers so please be patient and keep your fingers crossed! Wish me luck!

    I attached the partially assembled boards (5 pcs).



  • 2021-06-26 3D STEP model

    Mirko05/28/2021 at 06:44 0 comments

    Here you can download the 3D STEP file for #MirkoPC R1.1:

    In a few days will be available also the STL model of dedicated enclosure for 3D printer (my colleague supports me in this topic)


  • 2021-06-26 components for manual assembly

    Mirko05/28/2021 at 06:42 0 comments

    Components, lot of components...

    Due to IC shortage times I sourced components from: Mouser, DigiKey, TME, LCSC, Aliexpress, Texas Instruments, TaoBao, Kamami, Allegro.

    Nothing will stop me to finish this project... :-)


  • 2021-06-26 assembly issues

    Mirko05/28/2021 at 06:41 0 comments

    just a quick preview - this is what the 2nd and 3rd batch looks like.

    I can see two issues for now:
    - slide switches on 3rd batch are damaged, too high temperature on the reflow process
    - some mezzanine connectors need to correct its placement


  • 2021-06-26 quick preview

    Mirko05/28/2021 at 06:40 0 comments

    For the 3rd batch, I changed the FFC connectors to similar models as on the original CM4-IO board.

    This is still a prototype, but in the meantime, I changed a lot of things and I fixed a few issues.

    I hope that this time this will be a stable version, ready for mass production.





  • 2021-06-26 received 2nd and 3rd batches

    Mirko05/28/2021 at 06:38 0 comments


    Today I just received 2 boxes from Fedex.
    2nd and 3rd batches

    I'm happy and a little stressed if everything will be OK.

    Keep your fingers crossed, lot of work to do.

    There is no space for mistakes, everything has to work 100>#/span###




  • MirkoPC manufacturing update

    Mirko05/17/2021 at 05:19 0 comments

    Dear #MirkoPC community!

    2nd and 3rd batches are on the way.

    I need about 1 week to process the customs procedure and then up to 2 weeks to assembly the rest of the components (missing ICs and connectors).

    Lot of work to do yet!

    I'm very excited and I hope that the boards will be working 100%.

    There is not space for my mistakes.

View all 35 project logs

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marazm wrote 05/14/2021 at 20:12 point

Wydaje mi się, że bez radiatorów lub płytki peltiera taki sprzet już w czerwcu się będzie przegrzewał. upał na zewnątrz 30stopni w cieniu to normalka, a jak bedzie cieplej?

Po za tym brakuje mi pokręteł do głosności, przełączników np. który system albo choć mały ekranik z informacjami o ip, czy ethernet działa albo jak wybrać wifi , kilka przycisków plus ekran mogło by dużo robić. Jednym przełącznikiem np. włączyć usługe lub program lub przełączyc ekran etc.

No i zawsze jest modne zrobienie upsa. Nawet na 3 minuty z wyłączaniem automatycznym sprzętu.

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Mirko wrote 05/17/2021 at 10:32 point

To jest płytka deweloperska, wszystkie akcesoria (przełączniki, klawiatury, itp.) można podłączać przy użyciu portu 40-pin GPIO jako płytki HAT.

Chłodzenie - można dokupić dedykowane radiatory i wentylatory do CM4 lub do RPi 4B (jak np. ice tower). Po dodaniu chłodzenia temperatura na CPU może zostać obniżona do poziomu 30-40*C.

UPS - jak powyżej - z użyciem dedykowanych akcesoriów.

Jestem daleki od robienia kombajnu wszystko mającego - bo to odbija się na cenie końcowej i problemach z produkcją (więcej komponentów). Poza tym projekt jest budżetowy, gdzie każdy ekstra komponent robi cenę, a nie każdy potrzebuje UPS (BMS) czy klawiaturę do sterowania.

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marazm wrote 05/17/2021 at 17:14 point

wydaje mi sie, ze nie chcesz zrozumiec. chlodzenie trzeba zasilac, zaprojektowac a nawet podlaczyc z plyta by samo sie uruchamialo kiedy trzeba i nie zajmowalo to procesora.

oczywiscie ze ten link, ktory podalem NIE da sie dodac bo to bootuje system, ktory wybierzesz. oczywiscie mozesz zrobic pajaka i wszystko pododawac sobie sam w ramach wlasnej inwencji, tylko po co w takim razie plytka skoro jest wiele innych?

To co pisze potraktuj jako dobre słowo, chęć poprawienia projektu i zwrocenia uwagi , ze moga wystąpić problemy a nie staraj sie zjechać lub odpisac cokolwiek. Tu na prawde wiekszość osób pisze z życzliwości. (w tym ja)

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HeyYoWhatBro wrote 05/08/2021 at 14:15 point

can you make ssd pcb assembly i little confuse to make that

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Mirko wrote 05/08/2021 at 14:17 point

Sorry I don't understand

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Joachim wrote 04/22/2021 at 03:15 point

Hi Mirko,

What about multiple serial ports (rs232)? I am hoping that one day somebody will make a carrier board with at least 4 serial port to be used with home automation!


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Mirko wrote 04/22/2021 at 09:35 point

You can use HAT board to expand Raspberry Pi.

Revolution Pi as industrial computer?

I had a plan do design second board for MirkoPC - IOB (I/O board) for automation - input/outputs digital/analog + serial interfaces RS232/485, CAN, etc.

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Juan Manuel Varas wrote 04/19/2021 at 04:49 point

I also would like to buy a couple of boards to test them. I'd buy more units if they work for my project as I think. Thanks.

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Mirko wrote 04/19/2021 at 22:54 point

please send me DM. I'm working to order the next batch.

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Keith Olson wrote 04/18/2021 at 20:10 point

A *very* cool build!  One of the first things that occurred to me is that it would be much easier to build into something else if there was a version with all ports on one side.  (...or at most two, with one long side and one short.)  That way, for example, folks could build a case that attaches to the bottom of a keyboard and have a 'keyboard PC' like the C64/etc.

(I'm sure that changing everything wouldn't take you more than a day or two.  :grin: )

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Mirko wrote 04/23/2021 at 07:05 point

Thanks for your suggestion!

I wil think about this modification, due to I received a few the same suggestions (connetors on one side).

This can be nice future design as TV box.

But, the size of the PCB will be much longer, about 20x10cm not 10x10cm (or another option 2 boards, mounted as sandwitch) and the product price will be also higher, e.g. +25% more for small quantities.

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Keith Olson wrote 04/23/2021 at 16:21 point

Thanks for the reply.  Some thoughts:

1.  If all ports are on one edge, the design should be as shallow as is practical, to minimize the total surface area.  (Bonus points if the GPIO can have right-angle headers added so they can be accessed from the back of an enclosure.)

2. I thought about using castellated edges/etc. on two smaller boards to allow joining them side-by-side or stacking, but, given how difficult it already is to create a board design that doesn't give off a lot of radio interference/etc., I'm not sure just how feasible that would be.  (I'm not even a *novice* board designer, but I've heard a **LOT** of stories involving arcane terms like 'parasitic capacitance', etc. to know that it isn't *NEARLY* as simple as just drawing traces on a board.)

3. I'm pretty sure that if someone specifically wants a PCB with all of the ports along one (or two) sides, they will be understanding about having to pay a premium for a non-common size.

Does that make sense?

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Mirko wrote 04/23/2021 at 20:11 point

@Keith Olson 


2 options can be considered:
one long PCB, and
2 separate PCBs where low-speed interfaces can be connected to the 2nd board.

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Pengfei Li wrote 04/17/2021 at 03:26 point

The link is the same stuff,, the price is $36

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jim ercy wrote 04/18/2021 at 08:57 point

smaller item but less feature rich. It only handles 2230 and 2242 M2 ssd, does not have either a quality dac. That in itself prevent easy use as media center. Only 2 usb ports also.

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nobodino wrote 04/16/2021 at 10:58 point

I'm interested with your project. I would like to buy one to play. How much does it cost?

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Mirko wrote 04/19/2021 at 22:54 point

please send me DM

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ghorpade wrote 03/30/2021 at 19:04 point

Excellent. What is the cost and when it will be available?

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Mirko wrote 04/19/2021 at 22:49 point

please send me DM

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Mirko wrote 03/29/2021 at 08:26 point

If you are interested to purchase that board - just send me PM. Thanks.

I'm thinking about ordering the next batch or starting CrowdSupply campaign (a big issue -> time to market delay).

When I receive more such inquiries, maybe there will be enough of them to be able to order more PCB boards.

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Danny Martin wrote 04/08/2021 at 05:27 point

I would be interested in purchasing one of your boards.  Can you provide cost and ETA on delivery?

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Pengfei Li wrote 04/13/2021 at 22:17 point

Yes, I'm interested in this project. Can you modify your design a little bit? I am trying to use CM4 to build a WiFi 6 router which needs 5 ethernet ports and WiFi 6. The GPIO only needs 12 pins. Please send me email at to discuss this.

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Mirko wrote 04/14/2021 at 08:45 point

a little bit? I don't think so :)

You can connect GbE port to the external multiport switch.

Adding an extra GbE switch is a quite complicated process (HW and SW).

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Pengfei Li wrote 04/13/2021 at 23:31 point

Does m.2 port of this board support WiFi card?

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Mirko wrote 04/14/2021 at 08:46 point

Not tested yet.

You can use CM4 with onboard Wifi + BLE module.

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gmessemer wrote 03/27/2021 at 18:35 point

Great work. Saw it in Geerling's video. When can we get one? 

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Mirko wrote 04/19/2021 at 22:53 point

sorry about my delayed response. Please send me DM. I'm working on to order the next batch.

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redjr16 wrote 03/24/2021 at 22:58 point

Can I Paypal you some money for an early finished and tested carrier board?  You can contact me at redjr16@yahoo dot com.


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redjr16 wrote 03/24/2021 at 15:52 point

Yes.  Very cool carrier board and project.

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Mr.Lubo wrote 03/24/2021 at 11:49 point

Can you put 5 more cm4 somehow on it?

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marazm wrote 05/20/2021 at 16:57 point

and localnetwork

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mai wrote 03/24/2021 at 10:45 point

I just love it.

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