Similar board, from Control Universal catalogue 1987
10/30/2021 at 13:18 • 0 commentsCeleste/484 High Resolution Colour Graphics
- Hitachi HD63484 Advanced Graphics Controller
- 512 KBytes on-board video memory
- 32 MHz INMOS G170 colour palette option
- Powerful on-board graphics primitives
- Resolution up to 1600 pixels by 1300 lines
- Display rate up to 32 million pixels/sec
- Fast plotting of complex lines, curves and area fill
- Multiple screens and windows
- Hardware zoom up to 16 times
- Memory accessible from bus under DMA
- Any number of windows and/or character fonts can be stored in non-displayed video memory
Celeste/484 is the powerful graphics processor card of the Control Universal range of STE cards. The Hitachi 63484 controller has three processors, one to manage the screen display, the second to manage all CRT timing functions, and the third to perform all the drawing operations. Commands supported directly via simple parameters include circle, ellipse, polyline, arc, paint, etc. A choice of screen access modes allows either full resolution (by drawing only during flyback) or higher drawing speeds by interleaving screen display and drawing times. Up to 1600 pixels can be displayed horizontally with standard 15.75 kHz line rate monitors. Other resolutions are obtainable under software control or by changing the pixel clock frequency.
Version A has the INMOS colour palette allowing a choice of 256 colours from 262,144. Selected colours may be flashed at variable rates. Different palettes may be loaded from the host CPU. Output drives analogue or TTL monitors.
Version B has no colour palette and drives TTL monitors only.
External Connectors:
Version A: 5 SMB 'subclic' coaxial connectors for analogue monitors. Version B: 9-way standard mini "D" type connector providing RGBI and Sync for TTL monitors.
Board Dimensions: 100 × 160mm to STE IEEE P1000 specification.
Board Power Consumption: +5V, typically < 1000mA
Celeste/484A - With INMOS colour palette SE485AA £765 Celeste/484B - No INMOS colour palette SE484AA £595