Some things I'd do differently next time:
- Include a programming header for the ATtiny85. I had to solder it some 30 awg wire-wrap wire to existing PCB pads to program the ATtiny before adding any other components.
- Use regular 0603 resistors instead of a resistor network. I ended up ordering the wrong size network and had to use discrete resistors anyway.
- Show non-integer voltages by adjusting the relative brightness of adjacent LEDs.
- Indicate voltages above 12V or below 3V by flashing the 12V / 3V LEDs.
- Make it even smaller by using 0.8mm thick PCBs instead of 1.6mm.
Neat, that sounds like a very useful gadget. May I suggest variants tailored for fixed voltages of 5V and 3.3V and showing more resolution, say 0.1V steps? Often one has already chosen the bus voltage and it would be nice to monitor it for droop.