
Monitoring device for isolated work

A device to be used by workers when performing activities in hazardous environments. Sponsored by JLCPCB

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This project is sponsored by JLCPCB, and will be used by workers when they are carrying out activities in hazardous environments, to prevent any serious accident from occurring.

The occurrence of accidents in confined environments is common, many of these places can contain in their atmosphere several toxic gases and low levels of oxygen, in addition to other hazards.
The intention of this project is to create a product that constantly monitors various parameters, to detect when the worker is experiencing a malaise, or when he has some other type of accident, and then alert supervisors to trigger the rescue and thus avoid injuries that can lead to death due to lack of medical help.

For this purpose, equipment will be attached to the worker's body, which will read the blood oxygen level, heart rate and body acceleration.
The collected data is sent to the station so that it can inform supervisors of the worker's current status and issue an alert if something goes wrong.

I chose to use low cost (not necessarily bad) sensors so that the total cost is not too great. The ESP32 being relatively inexpensive, having a good balance between performance and power consumption, and already having built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth made it the perfect choice for this project!
To display all information on the station, a 4.3” UART display has become the perfect choice, as it is extremely easy to program and much tougher than other displays available on the market today. Thefeatures of this display are:

  • Resolution of 480x272 pixels
  • 4.3" Size
  • RS232 TTL/CMOS bus
  • 5V power supply
  • Resistive touchscreen panel (although not the best technology on the market, I was surprised by the touch panel's sensitivity and response)
  • buzzer
  • RTC
  • 128MB flash memory

What led me to choose this display was the fact that I could find it here in Brazil through

Victor Vision, which in addition to offering excellent product documentation, has its excellent support service and after-sales service.

Gerber_PCB_Endpoint - TCC_2 (1).zip

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Gerber_PCB_Station -

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  • 20 × Capacitor 100nF smd 0805
  • 4 × Electrolytic capacitor 16V 10uF
  • 3 × Diode 1N4007
  • 4 × Diode 1N5402
  • 4 × 1x3 pin bar

View all 43 components

  • 1
    PCB manufacturing order

    JLCPCB is sponsoring this project, providing free printed circuit boards for this project to become real.

    JLCPCB sponsors students worldwide, providing high quality PCBs free of charge.
    For more information or to order your PCBs free of charge, visit: Student PCB sponsorship

    With your PCB design ready, it's time to request the favrication of your PCBs, so to do that go to JLCPCB and click on "QUOTE NOW"

  • 2
    Loading your GERBER file.

    Upload your GERBER file by clicking on "Add gerber file". Once loading is complete, a preview will be generated and the dimensions and number of layers of your PCB will be automatically identified.

    You can better check your PCB design by clicking on Gerber Viewer, confirm all parameters, choose the color of the solder mask and then click on "Save to cart" and then checkout.

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Matheus Maia wrote 08/17/2021 at 12:36 point

Very nice! Congratulations and thanks for sharing it

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Joseph Eoff wrote 04/16/2021 at 09:57 point

Cool idea.  Using the MAX30100, you can tell that a worker is having trouble before he collapses.

The whole concept is known as "lone worker protection" in English.  I don't know the proper term in Portuguese (as you seem to be in Brazil,) but I'm sure there is an industry term for it.

I'm also sure that there are national standards that such a device has to follow.

Given the targetted use (environments with toxic gases,) I expect you will have to consider explosion proof standards as well - that is, making sure that your device won't trigger a gas explosion.

Is this more a proof of concept, or do you intend to make a real product of it?

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Bruno Lopes wrote 04/19/2021 at 16:06 point

Thanks for the comment. I hadn't really thought about that term before, in a quick search I found devices that have the same purpose, but with much less functionality.

I have not yet come to design the box of the device, but I already have in mind that any spark, explosion or flame must be contained within the device. In fact, I even want to leave it waterproof, so that it can last for a few hours in water.

Here in Brazil we have a standard for this type of device, an NR6 = 6.1% 20For% 20os% 20 ends% 20de, and% 20a% 20sa% C3% BAde% 20no% 20work

And I'm working on making a real product, the first prototype is almost done.

  Are you sure? yes | no

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