
AVR ASM Pong Project

This is the final project for the Hackaday U AVR ASM and Reverse Engineering course

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It's a super simple pong written in AVR assembly using an uno and several MAX7219 matrix drivers

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Uri Shaked wrote 04/02/2021 at 18:24 point

Hello! How is the project going?

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siddacious wrote 04/03/2021 at 09:17 point

Ive gotten the display working and put together a very rudimentary frame buffer and was working on the ball animation code when midnight rolled around and I lost a bunch of code.

I'll probably keep working on it but I'll probably want to work in vscode directly the test in the emulator to avoid another snafu.

Have you thought about adapting wokwi into a vscode extension? It looks like it might already be using Electron to some extent?

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