
IoT Weather Sculpture

A freeform circuit that shows the weather

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I am trying to learn how to use those Arduino modules that connect to the internet. As a starter project, I am making a small sculpture to display the weather.

Freeform circuit weather display.


code for the sculpture

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  • 1 × NodeMCU A WiFi module
  • 7 × 1K resistor (or similar value)
  • 30 × LEDs (just an estimate of the number)
  • 1 × Copper wire 18-20 gauge

  • Built It!

    A-A-W04/15/2021 at 20:48 0 comments

    I put the LEDs in the mold and soldered the ground together, then added positive rails for each color LED. Then I took it out of the mold and soldered it to the circuit board.

    I also had to fix a couple of problems with my code (the pinout for the NodeMCU is confusing...)

    Last, I painted over one of the on-board LEDs so that it wouldn't be so bright and distracting.

    This was a fun little project that helped me to learn about how to use WiFi with Arduino boards.

    Hope you liked my idea!

  • Internet!

    A-A-W04/10/2021 at 11:58 0 comments

    I set up an Adafruit IO feed and connected it to Weather Underground through IFTTT to send the weather every morning at 6:00 AM.

    I connected the circuit to the internet and tested it with three LEDs to show basic weather (white=cloudy, yellow=sunny, blue=showers/rainy). I also 3D printed a mold/jig to hold the LEDs while soldering.

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Maakbaas wrote 04/16/2021 at 19:48 point

Very creative! Nicely done.

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