
Meet the lit3rick

A project log for lit3-32: a small fpga pulse-echo ultrasound board

Using the up5k for some ultrasound fun

kelu124kelu124 04/06/2021 at 11:191 Comment

Yeah! The lit3-32 should be the last step to provide users with a low-cost high-gain pulse-echo board.

It buils on its predecessor, the lit3rick board, but improves the gain.

It can acquire, at 5V (without external high voltage generator), some already interesting images.

from which it can extract the enveloppe to reduce necessary bandwidth.

With a zoom on one of its echoes:

Now, this project aims at increasing available gain!


xmezzix wrote 04/14/2021 at 22:05 point


Is it possible to buy this card to try it out?
how much is it?

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