It was created (designed by Armin Stachiewicz) in a new way (I keep checking it out, please give me feedback if you know any similar solution).
It is not a 3d print thing ;)
The method is extremely cheap. You can easily repeat entire process in your own garage or even in kitchen...
In general, this is metal composite. The specific gravity of below object is lower than if solid metal was used (now about 70% but this can be freely changed). Ultimately, I want to add a "shell" with a higher density so as to obtain the bone-like structure.
We can create metal objects of any topology and internal structure. So the weight of such items can be freely adjusted (bone-like structure effect). Finally, we will implement the calculation of topological optimization! Because these objects are composites, the strength is generally much greater than that of a given metal alone. And most importantly - it's all for pennies... So the method is available for everyone...
Nah, this is simple trolling. "You can easily repeat entire process..." Except we can't, you don't provide any details in any of your projects, only "you can do this". Why?
You're right, I haven't shown everything yet. Because I simply don't want to take the pleasure of discovering at first... I have been dealing with this subject all my life. Even if I only saw such photos, I would know immediately how it is realized...
I will tell everything to anyone who would like to seriously commit to developing this technology.
> I will tell everything to anyone who would like to seriously commit to developing this technology.
I have a project for evolution of stirling enigne (equivalent of going from 2 stroke to 4 stroke IC), which could even break 50% efficiency limit. Imagine solar panels which are over twice as efficient as currently for 1/5 of price or using what is currently waste heat as valuable energy. And you can do it in reasonably equipped garage with cheap materials. I will show it to people who would like to seriously commit to developing this technology. I'm working on that idea for about 15 years now.
Now you know how it sounds. I don't tell that it's impossible, but your idea sounds like snakeoil too. I hope you can find someone to develop it, but if it's so simple, why are you teasing us? Next post ill be "pay me a little to see the plans"?
hello. materials apart, what's the aim?