The BK-1 VGA board expands the boundaries of Arduino use.
You can display sensor readings, images, and create simple video games.
Specifications: 256x128 pixels and 256 colors.
Perfect solution for for Arduino nano: It has a connector for installing Arduino nano and a library.
Этот щит расширяет возможности Arduino. Вывод на VGA стал простым и доступным. Его можно использовать для системы умного дома, примитивных игровых приставок ...
library for Arduino
x-zip-compressed -
192.91 kB -
08/08/2021 at 13:33
In the Y coordinate, the highest bit is always zero, but it was transmitted anyway.
Since this makes no sense, this section of code was removed from the library.
I wrote programs for Arduino and computer to view BMP files. The program on the computer opens the BMP file and transmits the Serial software to the Arduino. And then on the VGA monitor.
Просто тащусь)) У меня бы терпения не хватило. Собственно, его и не было)))