Remote control (client-device)
The server can control multiple client devices by P2P (camera, TCP/USB device)
Control multiple USB/TCP devices in the distance.
Create a RTC_Host using RTC_Host_App and connect to it through RTC_Client_App.
Then connect some TCP/USB device to mobile where RTC_Client_App is running and prepare the desired responses to the received commands from TCP/USB device.
Customize this responses with the value to receive from RTC_Host_App.
RTC_Host_App will detect the available commands for the control of TCP/USB device connected to RTC_Client_App and will put a control interface like switchs, potenciometers or a joystick.
RTC_Host_App can activate the RTC_Client_App camera too.

PC / Android web (camera, USB device)
Android App (camera, TCP/USB device)
Web version:
Remote control (server-device)
Multiple clients can control the server by P2P (camera, TCP/USB device)
USB devices connected to single RTC_Host_App can be handled by multiple RTC_Client_App.
From RTC_Host_App the number of players with device access allowed in a single round and when next round should be triggered can be configured.
Clients can view the scene with the server webcam.

PC / Android web (camera, USB device)
Web version:
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