

Universal Robotic Unmanned System

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URUS project use the APM* API and HAL to maximize the use in robotics world. With URUS you can make an automated home control (DOMOTIC systems), autopilot vehicles control, profesional and industrial use like a PLC or make it as a flight controller for drones.

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Urus System is the first autoconfigurable and scalable BRAIN MODULE and a CAPE IO for ROBOTICS and AUTOMATED Systems, thinking on industrial aplications.

We highlighted that an owner with APM* 2.x (legacy) board owner can work with lastest APM* autopilot releases version.

This system have two parts that their work together:

  • Urus System make APM* 2.x boards and APM* 32 bits boards in a BRAIN MODULE for ROBOTICS and AUTOMATIZATION embedded systems, maybe industrial (Like a PLC), you can attach an Urus Cape to enhance the capabilities.
  • Urus Cape (shal). That make and convert APM* 2.x or APM* 32 bits boards as an UNIVERSAL CAPE for ANY platform Boards system and make compatibilty for lastest APM* VEHICLES RELEASES from master branch and work together.

URUS is a fork and work in progress project from the APM* master branch.

All Urus Ecosystem is free software project under GPL v3 license, it's open sourced and writed in ANSI* C/C++, focused to develop a reliable true realtime system for industrials applications or make it as a flight controller for drones or autopilot unmanned vehicles systems.

As maybe you know, Urus system is a new interface-vehicle system handling all io hardware with a new HAL called SHAL between the top hal and the urus system target hardware, and basically it's an hybrid hal between the other side hal.

The Urus System purpose are giving to us a comunication and development way to ardupilot api with an easy and realiable system through Urus Protocol, for example, if you are an owner apm 2.x board and you want to use the last master ardupilot version, then you can use the urus cape io and connect it with a Raspberry pi or NuttX board or with a PX4 board (work in progress for this board).

Ok, you doesn't have a legacy board, but you have a trainer board like Nucleo board (stm32f446) then you will can use the urus cape io and the urus system to run on it with the master and with NuttX directly.

Urus team has developed a complete ecosystem for you and for APM* developer will can develop with a new graphical ide called Urus Studio and have a customized "EXOKERNEL" using the linux base kernel for fast and realtime on ARM architecture, it is publishing the source code on the urus team repo. The documentation is work in progress, so don't worry, it's progressive publishing.

We are updating the documentation and development at:

Trademark notice.


  • Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.
  • APM is a reference for the free software Ardupilot project ( and the name Ardupilot as is it maybe could be registered as trademark.
  • Nucleo is a trademark of STMicroelectronics
  • PX4 is an open source project of
  • NuttX is open source project of Gregory Nutt
  • GNU is a trademark of the Free Software Foundation.
  • Macintosh, OS X, macOS, and Mac OS X are all trademarks of the Apple Corporation.
  • Solaris is a trademark of Oracle Corporation.
  • UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group.
  • PGP is a trademark of Symantec Corporation.
  • Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
  • ANSI is a trademark of
  • Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation.
  • ARDUINO is a trademark of
  • ARM is a trademark of ARM Holdings

NOTICE: URUS is an enhanced software library and application development ecosystem for specific autopilot systems purposes like Ardupilot...

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  • 1 × Raspberry Pi B URUS system work with.
  • 1 × Arduino, APM 2.x Boards The URUS IO cape

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