# Technology Stack
* We have used Raspberry Pi and TFT Display to make the project.
* For Chatbot we have used Python, NLTK and for Dataset we have used F.R.I.E.N.D.S Corpus which contained all dialouges.
* For Emotions we scraped Emoji Images from Google Search and the emojis were predicted using Text Classification Model.
* For the TFT Display we have use Adafruit_ILI9341 Library to create the GUI.
* For Voice Recognition , we used Bluetooth Headset to take the Input Voice from User and use Google Cloud Speech API of speech_recognition package for Speech to Text.
* And for Text to Speech from Chatbot we used pyttsx package.
# Connections
For Display ( 2.8" TFT Display ILI9341)
1. Raspberry Pi 3.3V power to TFT Vin.
2. Raspberry Pi ground to TFT GND.
3. Raspberry Pi SCLK to TFT CLK.
4. Raspberry Pi MOSI to TFT MOSI.
5. Raspberry Pi CE0 to TFT CS.
6. Raspberry Pi GPIO 18 to TFT D/C.
7. Raspberry Pi GPIO 23 to TFT RST.
And for Bluetooth Connection:
* Connect the device : `bluetoothctl connect 9F:3A:66:06:7C:EA` the id is id of your headset , you can find it when scanning on your phone.
For Speaker:
* Connect the Aux Cable Directly to Raspberry Pi
# To Run the Bot:
1. Install the Adafruit Display Library on RPi:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_ILI9341.git
cd Adafruit_Python_ILI9341
sudo python setup.py install
2. Install the Python Packages:
pip3 install pyttsx Adafruit_GPIO Pillow nltk sklearn speech_recognition
3. Make the Connections and Connect the Bluetooth Headset
4. Then Run the Bot
git clone https://github.com/aniketdhole07/emojo_chatbot
cd emojo_chatbot
python3 main.py
It’s not very clear how it will help?