I want an easy way to see a topography in 3D without glasses or headsets.
Unfortunately isn't an adequate technology to make it possible. Some ideas based in POV or devices as voxatron are in the market but usually are very expensive.
My idea is about a cheap, middle level device to see in 3D but compromising resolution. Voxels will be limited with this aproach.
So ... will be possible? Welcome to my project.
I 'm using WS2812 LED stripes in colums, I could change the arrangement because the base are made of protoboards.
In a first stage I'm making a prototype with 5x8x7 voxels to see the best arrangement, distance between columns etc.
Also I'm testing different diffusers (3d printed with FDM or DLP ) to see the best results.
With this knowledge I wiil make a bigger matrix with 16x16x8 or 24x16x8 voxels and develop a software to create simple topographies to apply in this device. With this resolution the display will be limited but could have a good 3d effect.
More info in https://github.com/Egokitek/TopoTron
License GPL3.0