
A projector to look at your phone from afar.

In the past year, home office made me stare at screens for too long and my eyesight didn't improve, so I built this dedicated picoprojector.

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I found a Full HD picoprojector module at Texas Instruments, and decided it was a solution to project the iPhone display on walls so I didn't have to stare at these small screens for too long.
With the help of a Raspberry Pi 4 and the RpiPlay project, I am able to make it work as an Airplay mirroring projector.

- In order for the Projector to work with the raspberry Pi 4, I followed all the instructions provided by TI on their website, the explanations are quite clear and it uses a standard RaspiOS to work, with some python packages to install.

- I also used the RPiPlay project which installs an Airplay Server on the raspberry Pi in order to mirror the iPhone's screen : The installation is pretty straightforward and I had to rotate the image 90° in order for it to fill the entire display area.

The lag between your actions on the phone and what is displayed on the projected image is quite acceptable for reading, and browsing images. I woudn't say so for videos or games.

  • Configuring the Airplay server

    hurðaskellir06/14/2021 at 20:56 0 comments

    The Raspberry Pi can be accessed either by wifi or ethernet depending on your needs and setup . 

    It is recommended to use ethernet but i find wifi acceptable with the airplay server I used . 

    For Airplay to work with the projector, I used the RPiPlay project. 

    You can find it here :

    Use this command line to have all the optimisations during the compilation.

    cmake --DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O3" --DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-O3" .. 

    I then used this command line to rotate the display and have it ready for the iphone : 

    ./rpiplay -n dlproj -vr rpi -r 90 

    which means the airplay server is named "dlproj" and its display is rotated by 90° . 

    Then you can just open your iphone (or iPad or even a mac) and use the display mirroring feature of it . 

  • Printing an enclosure

    hurðaskellir06/14/2021 at 20:45 0 comments

    I drew a 3D enclosure that I printed, that needs a lot of improvements, and I am a bit ashamed to share it at the moment, it needs some rework. sorry for that :-/

  • Putting all the elements together

    hurðaskellir06/14/2021 at 19:03 0 comments

    After some soldering and putting things together I get this : 

  • Using a single power supply

    hurðaskellir06/14/2021 at 19:00 0 comments

    The current assembly requires two power supplies : one for the raspberry Pi and one for the projector , both of 5V and 3A . 

    I have found in my spare things a 12V 3A power supply that will fit my needs. I just need a DC-DC converter to go from 12V 3A to 5V 6A . 

    I bought this one :

  • assembling the Pico and the Raspberry Pi.

    hurðaskellir06/14/2021 at 13:10 0 comments

    Making the pico projector display Raspberry Pi's screen is just as easy as typing the required command provided by TI once the python package is unzipped : 

    just type : python3 ./
    And it should display the Raspberry Pi's content on your wall.

View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Here is the summary of my build in a video :

View all instructions

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