
Throne of Dev

Ultimate Work-from-home Workstation - optimized for days long sitting and coding / board layout work. Without taking much space

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The Throne of Dev aims to be the be-all and end-all all-inclusive workstation setup.
Could probably double up as a gaming rig too, but for me, I am moving in July, been working from home for the past decade (long before the pandemic) and the new workshop has a cozy little office adjascent to the main work area, so what other excuse do I need to spin up a new spot for me to sit in: Challenge 2! Right up this project's alley

My day job is mostly coding, hardware design, board layout and tech support. Long hours. I've took a few knocks over the years, and have a couple "iron man" upgrades in my own body (titanium screws, plates and wires) so the average office chair has never provided much comfort. In fact my daily driver is a plastic "cafe" chair, because it does a great job of supporting my back. Sitting in my recliner over the weekends, I've always though it would help during the week too, soft, comfy, supportive, adjustable, reclinable.

Entirely CNC machinable on a hobby class router like my OpenBuilds LEAD1515, and from standard 18mm ply/MFD to keep costs down. 

The idea is to add some upholstery, though I didn't bother drawing that kind of details in Sketchup

NOTE:  Monitor mounts, tabletop, speakers, leds, beer fridge, solding station, whatever crazy accesories we (yes, YOU too, hit the comments below with ideas) still add on to this thing, is all still to-do.  Previews below is just the recliner part (done drawing) will update once the rest has been designed 

Upright working position

Reclining mechanish will be under motor control for fine adjustment, the most extreme position is shown here, and is clearly for the mid-afternoon lunchtime nap (; 

And with the addition of Monitor mounts - that can swing out of the way to ease entry into the Throne of Dev


Updated Sketchup file - with the swing style monitor mounts (7 July 2021)

SSEYO Koan Play File - 1.18 MB - 07/07/2021 at 19:55


  • 1 × 18mm Plywood

  • Moving day!

    Peter van der Walt07/17/2021 at 05:09 0 comments

    Would have loved to work on drawing up the "desk" part of the design, but the truck is outside, belongings loaded up and heading to the new town (Graaff-Reinet here I come) 

    See you all soon with an update when I am unpacked! 

  • Moving day!

    Peter van der Walt07/17/2021 at 05:09 0 comments

    Would have loved to work on drawing up the "desk" part of the design, but the truck is outside, belongings loaded up and heading to the new town (Graaff-Reinet here I come) 

    See you all soon with an update when I am unpacked! 

  • Trending! wow! This just made my day!

    Peter van der Walt07/07/2021 at 20:52 0 comments

    Thanks for all the likes and follows you all! Really made my day!  

  • Alternate monitor mount idea?

    Peter van der Walt07/07/2021 at 19:51 3 comments

    The overhead monitor mounts were going to be troublesome. I thought it looks flimsy. But, as I want to automate it later on, it would need a big linear actuator  or a couple actuators working together to lift it up to get into the chair.  
    I also still had to build a mechanism to swivel the tabletop/keyboard/mouse out of the way anyway, so I'm exploring an alternate path now - monitors on swings attached to the armrests. What do you guys think?

  • If you want to play around with the Sketchup file - please do!

    Peter van der Walt07/07/2021 at 17:28 0 comments

    Going to have to put this on hold for a while. Moving into the new house in a new town over the next two weeks. Exciting, scary, but mostly - time-expensive :(

    Will revisit as soon as I am settled in to the new place though

    Just because I'm out of action till the move is done, doesn't mean this has to stand still. 

    Download the sketchup file, and go ahead, add-on, delete, modify, critique it! Would love to see some better ideas and suggestions!

  • Start over overhead arms

    Peter van der Walt06/21/2021 at 19:00 0 comments

    Starting to draft in the overhead mounts - cross bracing and angelpoise mechanisms clearly missing (: 

  • Added some test dummies

    Peter van der Walt06/17/2021 at 20:55 0 comments

    Added some Sketchup Dummies to help appropriate screen positions from:

View all 7 project logs

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Mike Szczys wrote 07/02/2021 at 16:16 point

Reminds me of scorpion gaming chair which must be a hack on a dentist's motorized chair, right?

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Peter van der Walt wrote 07/07/2021 at 17:30 point

Oh yeah, that is kinda nice, though a little edgy to my taste (; 

The lowering action of the base and the shape of the footrest, looks exactly like my dentist's chair! I think you are right, well spotted! 
PS: Check the project log, I went a different way with the Monitor mounts 

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Dan Maloney wrote 06/18/2021 at 16:26 point

I tend to agree about sitting, but personally, standing somehow doesn't work for me. I don't seem to be able to get into that deeply focused state that's needed to do anything creative -- writing, coding, etc. There's something about the posture I'm in right now -- stretched out in my Steelcase office chair, leaning back from the screen with my feet propped up on a footrest under the desk -- that stirs the creative juices. When I'm at a standing desk, I'm very aware that I'm standing, and it becomes the focus rather than the task at hand. So, my compromise is to take frequent breaks, standing up and walking around to shake things out.

So yeah, a recliner like that would probably work well for me. My current chair has not headrest, which sucks when I need to take a break and rest my neck. And never underestimate the recuperative value of a 10-minute desk nap!

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Peter van der Walt wrote 06/18/2021 at 20:11 point

I do the lean back thing too when I focus hard, like doing UI work especially, sit back, code a bit, refresh, think, code, refresh, think. But unlike you, I don't stay aware of my surroundings. I zone out and like a kinda of tunnel vision, just see the work in front of me. Building would burn down around me and I wouldn't notice lol! 

Desk naps rule! 

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dearuserhron wrote 06/17/2021 at 21:21 point

(perisher mode enabled) If we talk about ergonomic, there is a flaw that human body is not intended for sitting at all. That's it. I am writing this comment while I am not sitting behind my computer, but standing in front of it. I know, it looks strange, but it is comfortable for me. (perisher mode over)

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Peter van der Walt wrote 06/18/2021 at 12:46 point

Totally understand your point!  (: and I do miss the days of standing for long time. The 8 titanium components in the old ankle just doesn't :( 

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