Old one - probably the first one I built using this design
06/21/2021 at 20:43 • 0 commentsDigging through old pics on Google Photos - found what I think was the very first one I built using the same design method: corner legs, skirts, table top. All cut by the store, and assembled at home with minimal tools:
Terrible picture, that was probably around 2014 (; -
Here we go again - can't stop making these its too easy
06/21/2021 at 20:38 • 0 comments -
Table as a CNC base by bolting rails to the side?
06/21/2021 at 20:36 • 0 commentsMight have made a CNC out the Garage table from the previous log (; but not going to go into details here about that (; - but point is, let your imagination run wild. Change the world, one table at a time!
Build a third table
06/21/2021 at 20:31 • 0 commentsSlight off-cutlist this time, but added a shelf underneath. Exactly the same concept as the other too though. Gave this one a coat of Polyester resin (thus the bags on the left protecting the porch) - looks really good and will resist some of the stains. This ones going in the garage
Building the small Desk sized table
06/21/2021 at 20:25 • 0 comments -
Building the big table
06/21/2021 at 20:22 • 0 commentsGot the local Builder Warehouse to cut the pieces to size for me, and set about glueing and screwing together (:
Ran a