
Easy Firework Firing System

Control up to 32 outputs using the Arduino Mega for custom firework show.

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This project is using the Arduino Mega and 32 relays to individually trigger fireworks. This is a very easy build and the software may be simplest you will find. The timing of the fireworks are in 100ms increments and the current going to the e-matches come directly from the battery through a relay. So you can launch multiple fireworks at the same time.

Project build is here:

For this project we are building a firework controller with 32 controlled outputs that you can program for your own show and even sync to music if you wanted. 

This project is easy to build even though it may not look like it at first. Assuming you have all the parts, you could easily build this in a weekend. Most of the time was spent printing the parts for the controller. But, you don't even need to make a nice housing for it, just glue the components down to a board and it will work. 

The components are all pretty inexpensive too. I added some components for show, that were not required like a remote switch, disco light, and I used quick connect wires so I wouldn't have to do much soldering. 

Project build is here. Please take a look, if nothing else, to see how dry my humor is. :-)

All files are located at the github page:

  • 4 × 8 Relay Array Modules required
  • 1 × Arduino Mega 2560 required
  • 1 × Ribbon Connection Cables required unless you have wires or want to solder a bunch of connections
  • 1 × Threaded Inserts Not required but useful
  • 1 × Arduino Connection Shield Not required but makes life a bit easier

View all 9 components

  • 1
    Purchase components

    Take a look at the parts list. Affiliate links are provided in the YouTube video description. But you can search for them yourself if you'd like. All parts I purchased are below:

    I also purchased screws and threaded inserts but not 100% necessary to build this. Especially if you just want to glue this down to a piece of wood or something. 

  • 2
    Print, Print, Print

    Lots of things to print. It took me about 24 hours in total of printing. Unbelievable, are 3D printers going to get faster or do I just have a slow one?

    All STL files are in the github link:

    I also printed a helmet for the controller. Which you also don't 'need' but make sure you protect the controller some how. Maybe just set it inside a box.

  • 3
    Wire up the relays

    It is best to wire up the relays now instead of trying to mess with them later. 

View all 11 instructions

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