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  • 3: this is what project #164913 is all about
  • 5: dressed in stripes of BBROYGBVGW
  • 8: I go clack and have an electromagnet
  • 11: the brain of the circuit
  • 13: one of the smallest dev boards -- it's right there in the name
  • 15: I was a rocket fuel mixologist
  • 16: a place on Hackaday.IO where anything goes
  • 18: you're not a gargoyle without this
  • 21: to use a heat gun, vacuum pump, or copper braid
  • 22: the act of making sound unlike any other
  • 24: a holdfast while soldering
  • 26: prove you're not a robot
  • 28: male, female, right-angle, or box
  • 30: C-type, S-type, or M-type space rocks
  • 31: an early electrostatic generator
  • 33: sonic ______, a highly versatile tool
  • 34: a component that conducts current primarily in one direction
  • 35: not a feature
  • 36: I was a cryptomaniac before it was cool
  • 37: the first component in project #176547
  • 40: Estes, NASA, or SpaceX
  • 43: for everything else, there's
  • 46: better than your teeth or a utilty knife
  • 48: the cutest little computers, briefly
  • 51: comparable to water pressure
  • 55: Project list #3611
  • 56: software substitute for hardware in embedded systems
  • 57: electromagnetic communication technology
  • 58: you can build one of these six-sided orbiters for less than $1000 these days
  • 59: this special diode allows current to flow backward under certain conditions
  • 63: formerly Wolfram
  • 64: don't let me out
  • 66: I created the polio vaccine
  • 67: ... --- ...
  • 70: 24 caffeine-fueled hours of mayhem and fun
  • 71: many circuits begin here, some never leave
  • 73: confidentiality, integrity, and availability
  • 75: I hold a charge
  • 76: these transforms helped a Billy Bass become Alexa in project #73048
  • 78: a keyboard that does your bidding
  • 81: only the best logo ever
  • 82: sweet, sweet square waves
  • 83: this type of resistor needs a place in the sun
  • 84: to hide secret messages in plain sight
  • 85: refracting, Newtonian, or Schmidt-Cassegrain
  • 86: I measure things inside and out
  • 87: use these after soldering
  • 88: I keep things cool


  • 1: electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern AC supply system
  • 2: spin me around to pump up the volume
  • 3: use a blue box for this
  • 4: SAOs are a big part of this
  • 6: an open-source keyboard firmware
  • 7: this lights up project #179361
  • 9: sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name
  • 10: this project won the 2019 HaD Prize
  • 12: preferred drink of thirsty, mostly European hackers
  • 14: QWERTY, AOEUIDHTNS, split, ergonomic, mechanical
  • 17: fruits of the keyboard
  • 19: project #176246 uses 26 of them
  • 20: Tesla founder or semiaquatic rodent
  • 23: tfeed me or you'll have to start over
  • 24: there are 10 types of people in the world
  • 25: HTTPS, TCP/IP, FTP
  • 27: to use something for a purpose not originally intended
  • 29: this project won the 2020 HaD Prize
  • 32: to understand this, one must first understand this
  • 38: this guy had principles
  • 39: humanity's home in orbit
  • 41: this strange phenomenon happens to strawberries, daisies, and more
  • 42: what type of bot featured in project #7792 was written in Energia?
  • 44: I know how hot your printer bed is
  • 45: absorbent way to desolder
  • 47: yes or no, high or low
  • 49: some of us use a lighter, some a heat gun
  • 50: because they're not all drones
  • 52: leaded or unleaded
  • 53: Dalibor Farny is the king of these cold cathode displays
  • 54: 3D creation suite or smoothie tool
  • 58: don't PANIC; negative is _______
  • 60: developed in 1969, now standardized as IETF
  • 61: this tape can take the heat
  • 62: these make blinkenlight
  • 65: focus of HackadayU course by Uri Shaked
  • 68: name this miniature Nintendo homage
  • 69: PLA, PETG, ABS
  • 72: the big name in low-power, open-source, single-board computers
  • 74: Cura, for example
  • 77: V=IR
  • 79: they have various purposes, like passing the butter
  • 80: with solder or capacitor, McFly
  • 84: modern gateway to ham radio, briefly


Adobe Portable Document Format - 61.70 kB - 06/28/2021 at 19:11



Adobe Portable Document Format - 43.76 kB - 06/28/2021 at 19:11


View all 2 project logs

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Johannes wrote 07/21/2021 at 06:44 point

I'm not sure if all that's to do is fill out the crossword correctly, it does say 'more than a crossword' on the main page.

So I tried out several things so far but to no avail. Is it cheating or spoiling or confusing to others if I start discussing this here before the "contest" is over?

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Johannes wrote 07/22/2021 at 05:55 point

NVM, I got some letters wrong.

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Peter Walsh wrote 07/21/2021 at 00:34 point

Those projects exist, you're not looking in the right place.

The Across/Down issues appear legit.

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jason.sowerby2012 wrote 07/20/2021 at 17:20 point

Errors I have identified so far:


66: I created the polio vaccine (likely 9).

 - 66 is DOWN not ACROSS on the pdf

75: I hold a charge ????? 

 - 75 is DOWN not ACROSS on the pdf

76: these transforms helped a Billy Bass become Alexa in project #73048 (7)

 - project not found


7: this lights up project #179361 (3) 

 - project not found

19: project #176246 uses 26 of them (10)

 - project not found

42: what type of bot featured in project #7792 was written in Energia? (3)

  - project not found

Will you be issuing corrections?

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Johannes wrote 07/21/2021 at 06:18 point

Across/Down seems to be correct if you look at the pdfs.
I'm tearing my hair out over this puzzle, I am sure I got it right but it doesn't resolve.

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Nicolas Tremblay wrote 07/06/2021 at 16:01 point

The circles don't appear in both the PDFs.

  Are you sure? yes | no

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