

Mini-Operating System for Ben Eater's 6502 breadboard computer

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Use the Arduino Mega, 10 Jumper Wires and a node.js based serial uploader to easily transfer externally assembled programs into the RAM of you 6502 breadboard Computer.

The MiniOS comes with a number of features:

- Load externally assembled programs into RAM via serial connection to Arduino
- Run programs that were previously loaded into RAM
- Load & Run programs in one go
- Debug the full address space via an integrated hex monitor (currently read only)
- Clean RAM for use with non-volatile RAM or during development
- Drive the LCD display even at a clock rate of 1MHz flawlessly
- Drive the mini keyboard for input
- Video RAM based output routines for convenient text display single page / multipage w/ offset
- Interrupt based loading routine to fetch data via the Arduino's serial connection
- Serial Sender (node.js) allows to upload programs to the 6502 (error mitigation included)
- Fully documented source code

1. After assembling and installing Sixty5o2 on your ROM, you need to install the serial receiver software on your arduino.

2. The Arduino needs to be connected to the 6502, the 6522, 5V and Common Ground.

3. A recent version of node.js and an `npm i` later you can use the `sender.js` tool to transfer assembled binaries into your breadboard computers RAM.

4. You can execute uploaded programs.

5. You can inspect all RAM and ROM locations using the built-in hex monitor.

6. You can clean the RAM if necessary.

7. You can drive the LCD and mini keyboard via the integrated mini-drivers

8. You can make use of a number of basic helper functions to talk to the LCD

  • 1 × Ben Eater's 6502 Breadbiard Computer
  • 1 × Arduino Mega or Arduino Nano
  • 1 × MiniPRO ROM Programmer
  • 10 × Jumper Wires

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Arduino Enigma wrote 07/08/2021 at 16:15 point

This needs a PCB!

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