
Zoom Controller

A bluetooth controller for making Zoom meetings easier

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I, like many others, found myself using Zoom video conference software a lot in 2020. I created this device to make interacting with Zoom faster and more pleasant.

- The Zoom Controller connects with your computer over Bluetooth and emulates keyboard key presses
- Works with Mac and Windows
- Five buttons are setup to emulate the default keyboard shortcuts in Zoom
- A knob controls the computer's media volume
- Powered by two AA batteries
- The circuit board mounts to a bent piece of 12 Gauge steel
- Bonus features include desktop notifications and YouTube Mode

- An ESP32 is used to emulate a bluetooth keyboard, using this library:

- 5 tactile buttons execute 5 different Zoom keyboard shortcuts (microphone toggle, camera toggle, screen sharing toggle, speaker/gallery view toggle, leave meeting).

 - A rotary encoder with button is used to turn on the controller when pressed, and adjust the computer's media volume when rotated.

- The controller is powered by 2 AA batteries, and is turned on and off using a soft-latch circuit based on circuit #3 in this video (featured in this hackaday article).

- The circuit board is mounted (using threaded standoffs) to a bent piece of steel (cut and bent at ). 

- To add letters to the stand, I created a vinyl stencil, etched the steel using q-tips salt water and a 12V power supply, then darkened the etch using a bluing chemical.

Demo video of the Zoom controller in action:

Source files and documentation can be found on GitHub:

software for programming the ESP32 using PlatformIO

Zip Archive - 12.02 kB - 07/11/2021 at 21:58



Cut and bend file for getting metal stand manufactured through

AutoCAD DXF - 3.51 kB - 07/11/2021 at 21:56


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Dan Maloney wrote 07/12/2021 at 23:26 point

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