13D Print Components
Print the one-piece clock face at .2mm and change the filament between layers 15/16 for an FDM printer, or print the individual components on an SLA printer and glue together.
2Install Servo In Base
Push the servo into the base until it hits the bottom
3Assemble Servo Gear
Attach the servo gear to the servo horn, then attach to the servo
4Install Clock Hand
Push the clock hand through the clock face and attach the clock gear on the back
5Install Clock Face
Align clock hand to Saturday and insert clock face into base. Depending on how tight the clock hand is in the clock face, you may want to add a dab of glue to the base to keep the clock face from torquing out of the base when the hand moves.
6Install Box on Servor
Place the box over the servo mounting point and coil cable inside, connect to Wemos and put lid on box.
7Upload Code
Upload Day_Verification.ino first to confirm set values for each day with your specific servo, then enter values into Clock.ino and update WiFi information. Upload and watch the clock change to the correct day.
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