

A tiny programmable RGB LED based on Atmel ATtiny13.

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glo is a tiny programmable RGB LED based on ATtiny13. The idea is that it can
be a "smart" drop-in replacement for a regular LED. For example, the LED could
flash in a pre-programmed way, or respond to analog input on the GPIO pin.


- Atmel ATtiny13 (10M1 package)
- Common cathode RGB LED
- 3 Pins - VCC, GND, GPIO
- Standard 2x3 ICSP header (pads) for programming
- Can be programmed using a Pogo Pin programmer or equivalent

glo is an Open Source project and you can find the files here:

I have uploaded glo 0.3 gerbers to OSHPark:

Here's a video of glo in action:

For the curious, the red PCB is snapVCC, a buck converter regulator I crowd-funded successfully last year:

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ActualDragon wrote 11/10/2016 at 19:12 point

cool project, but what is the PCB on the 9 volt for?

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Bill wrote 11/13/2016 at 21:40 point

I also think this is pretty cool. I'm guessing the PCB is a voltage regulator to provide 5 volts to the circuit, is that correct Mahesh?

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ActualDragon wrote 11/13/2016 at 21:58 point

seems like more than that, and besides, you could just do that on the breadboard, or put the voltage regulator on the LED

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Bill wrote 11/13/2016 at 22:25 point

What you say about using a breadboard mounted regulator is true of course. But if you look at the description and the schematic there are 3 connections to this module - VCC, GND and GPIO.  There are only two wires coming from the PCB on the battery in the demo, so I assume that they must be VCC and GND (and they are red and black too) .

This is what leads me to suspect that the device on the battery is a voltage regulator. Perhaps the  jumper on the board lets you select between 3.3 and 5 volts, if so it might be useful if you don't have a bench power supply.

But again I'm just guessing, Mahesh can fill us in on the details.

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Mahesh Venkitachalam wrote 11/14/2016 at 00:37 point

Hi Bill,

The PCB is indeed a voltage regulator which uses a buck converter. It's actually a product of mine called snapVCC which was crowd-funded last year:


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Bill wrote 11/14/2016 at 01:11 point

Hi Mahesh

Thanks for clarifying. That's a pretty neat voltage regulator!

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