
Hackaday Munich MeArm Giveaway

A project log for MeArm - Your Robot

Cheap, Small, Open Source Servo Controlled Robot Arm

jasmine-brackettJasmine Brackett 01/05/2015 at 23:0482 Comments

Update: The winner of the MeArm Giveaway Random Draw is @Fidel salinas who mentioned @AFSLabs in their comment. We'll be in touch via private messaging to find out where to send the MeArms!

Commiserations to everyone else who entered. Don't forget to follow or skull the #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm project, or if you are really desperate for a MeArm you can buy one over at the Hackaday Store.

Couldn't make it to Hackaday Munich? Heard about the great Robot Workshop? Well, we've got a pair of Limited Edition Hackaday Munich MeArms to giveaway to two lucky members so they can experiment at home.

A big thanks to @ben.phenoptix for letting us hijack his project for a week, and for sending out the MeArms to the winners.

How to enter

All you need to do is leave a comment on this Project Log sharing this project with another member who you think would also love a MeArm.

You do this by using our new @username and #projectid feature e.g.

"@Adam Fabio, I've entered us into the MeArm giveaway. Check out
#181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm for more details."

Only leave one comment with mentions. You can comment more, but only your first comment with mentions will be entered in the draw. Comments without both a @username and #projectid mention will be ignored for the purpose of the draw.


You need to leave your comment before midnight Jan 11 2015. On the Jan 12, we'll draw the winner at random, let everyone know who they are, and post the MeArms out to their new homes.

Got questions?

If you have any questions regarding the giveaway, you can ask them in the Project Log comments.


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charliex wrote 01/07/2015 at 16:22 point

@arko , I've entered us into the MeArm giveaway. Check out #181. #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm

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arko wrote 01/07/2015 at 17:40 point


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corey_topper wrote 01/07/2015 at 16:08 point

@Rue Mohr , I've entered us into the MeArm giveaway. Check out #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm This is a prime example of an arm that is not nearly as powerful as your current design s made from junk bin parts. and a excellent example of why I insist that when the much more powerful and better designed 3d printed Rue Arm V10 system hits the interwebs your going to have to quit your day job...

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Bruce Land wrote 01/07/2015 at 14:46 point

Good robot projects for class are hard. They need to be small, cheap (<$50), teachable, dependable, and maintainable. Cheap is necessary because if I am going to buy one, I need to buy 30.

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Michele Perla wrote 01/07/2015 at 15:50 point

Well, if you take the design files and fit all the parts in a single sheet of acrylic I'm quite sure you could get them laser-cut in USA at a low price.

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Michele Perla wrote 01/07/2015 at 14:20 point

Hey there, I really wish I could have attended the Munich Workshop (damned business pre-holidays dinners, but at least the wine was good); moreover, I never fiddled with robots before so this looks like a good starting point :D @Bruce Land , you could really use one of these in your classes! #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 01/07/2015 at 08:44 point

@julia.miklovi this looks like nice toy for our home

Look at #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm nice, huh?

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 01/07/2015 at 08:53 point

Looks like when copy-pasted from example above, and changed name to what I wanted, it didn't work - hashtag and [at]tag was inactive - just plain white text with no hyperlink. However once I started typing "@" followed by first few letters of name, it offered me names list. Once I clicked the correct name, the text went active as hyperlink. The same goes for "#" tag. When copied, it doesn't seem to workm but once I typed "#18" it offered me list of projects starting by 18 to select.

Test of Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V

#181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm

Test of "direct writing"

#181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm

@Jasmine I believe this is the symptom of problem that @ericwazhung had.

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/07/2015 at 09:44 point

@jaromir.sukuba almost spot-on. Thanks. Also see: #37. Feedback - Hackaday Projects so this page doesn't get flooded.

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 01/07/2015 at 18:10 point

Thanks for that.

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 01/09/2015 at 21:38 point

Thanks for clarifying. Yes, copy & pasting doesn't work. Sorry.

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julia.miklovi wrote 01/07/2015 at 09:08 point

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Jarrett wrote 01/07/2015 at 08:00 point

@TyIsI I found a better guinea pig for when I'm not sure if the 180V circuit is live at #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm . Sorry, you're fired ;.(

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Bobby Boyd wrote 01/07/2015 at 02:32 point

@JackRC I've entered us into the MeArm giveaway.

Check out #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm for more details!

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/07/2015 at 01:01 point

@Sebastian Lenartowicz could you use this? It'd kinda defeat your description, but it's nice to get something shiny from time to time :)

Check out: #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm

(I fixed it! Thanks @jaromir.sukuba and @Jasmine , and if anyone else has #/@ entry-issues check out #37. Feedback - Hackaday Projects )

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[this comment has been deleted]

Jasmine Brackett wrote 01/07/2015 at 07:13 point

Don't worry, I'll still consider it valid.

I'll PM you and we can see if we can work out why it didn't work.

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deʃhipu wrote 01/06/2015 at 22:12 point

@Makdaam I've entered us into the MeArm giveaway. Check out

#181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm for more details.

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Stefan-Xp wrote 01/06/2015 at 13:09 point

@davedarko Thank you for mentioning ;) For the moment One #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm is enough for me ;)

Did you know the favourit comment for showing off the meArm to someone? "Where is the head?" ;-D I think she mistaken it for a robot ;)

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davedarko wrote 01/06/2015 at 16:25 point

Then maybe @Frankstripod would be interested?

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davedarko wrote 01/06/2015 at 09:02 point

@Stefan-Xp do you need another one of #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm for a robot army? I want one. I have none. I need one. Glad I checked .stack today :)

@Jasmine is this a valid entry? Neat idea to check this feature!

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 01/06/2015 at 17:30 point

Yes, this is valid. You are in with a good chance at the moment :)

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