The long winding road to v0.4 and a visit to the science museum
06/06/2014 at 19:27 • 0 commentsSo v0.4 has been kind of complete for a while, there are a number of tweaks I want to apply but they've not yet made it to the plans. Should really just publish and be dammed but I do like to take some good pictures of a new version and I've not had the time to do that hence not published.
Have had a lot of feedback on v0.3 and have now seen versions built in the UK, Switzerland, the USA and most recently Mexico (image above is the Mexican MeArm)! Not bad from a little robot arm from Nottingham England! Lots has been done on the code and I've now see it run on Arduino and the Raspberry Pi. Some great work has been done by Bob Stone on this front. His github repos are amazing https://github.com/RorschachUK
The meArm was also very fortunate to be invited along to the Science Museum in London for the Make.Hack.Do festival. We build around 10 arms and probably 100 of the grippers over a 5 day period. We (that's me and the meArm) met a father and son from Switzerland (mentioned above) who had built a meArm from balsa wood on their home made CNC mill. They really made my day. There's some video of the arm in action here
Quite a bit more to tell but that will have to do for now!
v0.3 is here!
04/14/2014 at 15:44 • 0 commentsv0.3 is the first to have a working gripper, well working gripper that's light enough to be be moved on the arm with the hobby servos. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:298820
v0.2 Blurted Out
04/09/2014 at 09:40 • 1 commentJust published v0.2 of the MeArm. Entirely redesigned by Jack Howard. It's a leap forward from the last version but still needs some work and we're currently having at the following improvements:
Adding central support to take the strain off the servo arms.
Moving parallelogram mounts backwards for wrist stabilisation
Reducing weight from claw and forearm.DXF here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:293707
Could do with some tips for software that generates stl files. Once those updates are made I'd really like to see a 3D printed version. Is an A4 envelope common in 3D printing? I know nothing about 3D printing.
Files for V0.1 Published
03/26/2014 at 19:31 • 0 commentsWell since this log started I've worked through at least three versions, and published naught. It's terrible of me and frankly makes me feel like the project is going nowhere. So with this in mind tonight there is a publication of the arm as featured in the project photo. Very much V0.1 but it's a starting point and we all know it's very difficult to edit a blank page. On my desk top at work lies a much improved but broken V0.2 that won't be touched for the next 30 hours at least. Hope to have time to work on it on Friday but you never know with my work schedule.
Files are on thingiverse due to lack of knowledge of a viable alternative. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:257990
Starter for 10
02/24/2014 at 20:51 • 1 commentSorry just getting a handle on what this site is for and love it. The project started about two weeks ago and I've not documented it elsewhere. So far I have a working robot arm that runs quite well on 3 hobby servos and £2 worth of acrylic and M3 fixings. Looking forward to getting back to the office tomorrow to work a bit more on it and upload some pictures and also the dxf files.