
Music Accessibility

a possible solution for children or music lovers with limb differences and agenesis to play flute

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Paddle for people with limb differences and agenesis to play flute

In France and some other countries playing flute is included in music lessons at school. This project is to share a possible solution for children or music lovers with limb differences and agenesis to play flute.

Basic Idea: Use an arduino board to make a circuit that if a button is pressed then the corresponding servo motor will rotate to cover the hole on the flute with the help of little sticks which serves as fingers.

Our Team:  Jam-ability






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View all 6 files

  • 1 × computer
  • 1 × Arduino Board Leonardo
  • 1 × 3D printer with PLA filaments
  • 1 × Laser cutting machine or jigsaw
  • 1 × Arduino proto shield

View all 16 components

  • 1
    Step 1 Arduino programming The code

    (you can find the code in the file)

    If you made mistakes with the wiring or the motors placements, don’t worry you can still change the code. For example, if you’re button 1 is controlling the first motor but you want it the control the fourth motor for placements purpose, you can go in the if loop of the concerned button, here button 1 (if statut1==...), and change the number of the servo motor.

  • 2
    Step 2 Soldering the circuit

    1. prepare all the material :  

    • An arduino sheild
    • Soldering materials
    • 4 servo motors
    • 4 buttons
    • 120cm wires * 12 
    • 60cm wires * 8

    2. Braid the wires

    This step is for better wiring management and for avoiding short circuits.

    Braid the 60cm wires as 2 wires each group. And 4 groups in total. It will be easier for later soldering if you use different colors within each group. We use black wires for representing GND, red for 5V entry, And green ones representing signals.

    Braid the 120cm wires as 3 wires each group. And 4 groups in total. Same with above, It will be easier for later soldering if you use different colors within each group.

    3. Soldering wires to buttons and motors

    3.1  Soldering the 2 wires braid to the button. 4 braids for 4 buttons.

    Please always connect the teeth on the same side to the wires ( as the red lines)

    3.2 Soldering the 3 wires braid to the motor. 4 braids for 4 motors. Cut the plastic end of the motors and solder the 3 wires with the braid. It would be easier for later soldering if you seperate the color of wire for GND, 5V and signal.

    4. Soldering all the components to the Arduino Shield.

    This is just one possible example of connection if you are not so familiar with proto shields. There are also a lot of ways of connection. 

    5. Put the Arduino shield onto the arduino board.

  • 3
    Step 3 Modeling the support unit of the motors and 3D print

    These units are supposed to be connected to the flute.

    Stick some sponge rubber inside can make the motor supporters attached more stable to the flute.

View all 6 instructions

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