This is a wristband that can help for visually imparied people,.
The idea is that you have it on your wrist, and it vibrates when it is pointed to anyobject closer than 4 meters. And it will signal that by vibtrating (thanks to its internal vibrating disc), with a frequency proportional to the distance.
This project is not mean to replace white canes. They still offer many advantages (no need of batteries, can give not only distance feedback, but also shape of obstacles / holes, just to name a few).
Instead, the focus of this project is to offer a good starting point for a device that can be useful for situations where a white cane is less practical (crowded places, places like inside a tram or metro, ecc).
The design is simple, based on existing modules that are easily available and affordable.
The design is completely Open Source, modifications are welcome, both the body and the bracelet can be 3D Printed, and 3d files / firmware is free to download, modify, and experiment with.