- All Through Hole parts. (easy to handle and solder)
- Runs about 4 to 5 times faster than the original.
- Memory registers 65 (Same memory as the original).
- Continuous memory (Memory is not lost when calculator is turn off).
- Auto power off
- Runs on a single ATMEGA328 8 bit microcontroller running @ 8MHz (same as Arduino Uno)
- Speaker for audible keypress feedback
- 192x64 lcd display
- Display Backlight
- Has a real time clock. (Uses a 32.768KHz crystal)
- Uses a single CR2032 3V battery.
- Power consumption: 1µA off, 350µA idle, 3mA working (this is with speaker and backlight off)
The 3D printed case is available at thingiverse.
And the keyboard overlay is available here:
The ATMEGA328 is located beneath the display:

Youtube video:
Very nice and all but it's a pity. You don't even give the name of an LCD controller, which makes provided firmware useless so I don't even mention a full source code. I don't think that anyone will try to steal and commercialize such a niche project, but a source to be able to adapt it to a different LCD could have been nice from your side.
So it's not hackable and not diyable, the whole post is just an advertisement of you or connected party selling kits.
Problem is I don't like the LCD provided with a kit that has an additional PCB and makes this thing too thick to my taste. Pity.
Would you make the source code available at least to those who bought a kit?