Firmware features:
- Analog joystick control for pan, tilt, zoom, focus
- Button control for pan, tilt, zoom, focus
- Save/Clear Presets
- Goto Presets (up/down)
- Supports multiple camera devices on rs485 bus
- Auto fast pan tilt speed on prolonged hold
- OLED display shows commands and 7 byte sequence for pelco commands
- Serial debug output on TX pin @9600 baud
Hardware design decisions:
- use 12v from cctv supply
- use a 5v buck reg, as a linear reg would get hot dropping 12v to 5v
- use a linear reg to drop 5v to 3.3v to supply the PSX RX board
- keep it modular. Use off the shelf modules + perfboard + wires
- Squeeze it into the case i already have.
- use SPI bus for PSX RX comms
- use I2C bus for OLED display comms
- use UART for serial debug output via header pins.
Software design decisions:
- use UART for serial debug
- use bit-bang software serial for RS485 TX comms
- use bill porters ps2 library for rx comms
- use u8g2lib (u8x8) for OLED display control
- use Platform IO and VScode as the IDE with USBASP as the programmer
Public GITHUB Repository:
I have no coding skills and no matter how I've tried to work this out I have failed, Is there an Arduino IDE INO file available for this please, building from source code is well beyond me, I really want to use this project for a pan/tilt mount I have but have no RS485 output on my CCTV DVR, I want to flash it to a regular Nano, not a Nano Pro mini.
I have all of the hardware required, just unable to get this on an Arduino from raw source code.
Thanks, Steve.