
Schematic Mod

A project log for PSX2PTZ: PTZ camera control using PSX controller

Allows you to use a wireless PS2 controller for controlling PTZ cameras using RS485

deoscodedeoscode 05/21/2023 at 15:321 Comment

This works just as well with a wired controller as it does with a wireless receiver module.

My wireless receiver died for some reason, hence the switch to wired controller until i get my hands on another one. As a precautionary measure I have introduced a 10Kohm pull up resistor to 3v3 for the incoming DATA line.

I will update the schematic to reflect this when I get a chance.


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deoscode wrote 05/21/2023 at 15:34 point

The firmware should cope with plugging and unplugging the controller whilst powered up. However, sometime it does appear to hang and requires a reset. Needs further investigation.

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