The Pandemic caused by COVID-19, has caused a rise in mental health issues throughout society. However, children and young adolescents seem to have taken a bigger hit, being more prone to developing issues such as, anxiety and fear of separation than adults.
We seek to create a smart pot for your companion plant.
We all like plants, but sometimes it's difficult to know the best way take care of them.
We want to integrate a variety of sensors, to track and measure the needs of the plant, and then communicate them to the owner/user.
#include <Wire.h> int pir = 7; int pirState = LOW; int data = 0; int moistureSoil = 0; //const int Death = 590; const int Dry = 550; //const int Ok = 480; const int Wet = 380; LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);