Here is the circuit that I used for creating the EDM arc:
I only used parts that you can buy as a whole, so that you only have to connect them with wires for building this circuit.
Here are the parts that I used:
Connected to 230VAC:
- 60V 10A power supply
- 12V 5A power supply
Connected to 60VDC:
- 6x 12V 40W heating cartridge
- ACS712 current sensor
- 100V 100uF "low ESR" capacitor
- XL7015 step down converter
Connected to 12VDC from XL7015:
- 12V fan
- IRF520 module
- 10k resistor across V+ and V- of the IRF520 module
- LM2596
Connected to 5VDC:
- Arduino Nano
Connected to Arduino Nano:
- D9 connected to signal pin of IRF520 module, which is connected to the gate of the IRFP260 MOSFET
Connected to 12VDC from PSU:
- Arduino Mega & Ramps 1.6 plus
Connected to Ramps 1.6 plus:
- SSR on pin D65 and GND
- 12V fan
- thermistor on T0
- thermistor on T1
- ACS712 on 5V, GND and T2
The Arduino Nano is used to switch the IRFP260 at a high frequency.
Here is the code for it:
#define PWM 9
#include <TimerOne.h>
void setup()
pinMode(PWM, OUTPUT);
Timer1.initialize(100); //100us = 10khz
Timer1.pwm(PWM, 800); // 0 to 1023
void loop()
// do nothing
And that's the whole circuit.
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how has it been working?
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thank you for sharing your work.
i have questions about the circuit diagram
where is lm2596? part that connected to arduino 5v pin is lm2596?
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do you have the code for the ATMEGA that you could share?
Also, what is the collective resistance of you heater bank?
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Can i use this on edm wire machine?
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Hey, awesome project you have here. After searching through the internet on different Diy solutions for making the arc on EDM machines this is the first one i see using heating cartridges as resistors, why not just use regular resistors to build the circuit? I'm not an expert on electric stuff so i'm just curious.
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Where is the wire that connects to the work piece?
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That's really neat! If I'm following this right it looks like the SSR is used to turn on the 60v power supply for the arc. Could the signal going to the SSR go to the Arduino to turn the pulses off instead?
Is the separate Arduino used because of electrical interference or could the signal it makes be generated by the Arduino Mega directly?
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Yes, it could also go to the Arduino, but I thought it would be a good thing for safety to be able to cut off the power to the whole arc circuit in case of an emergency.
I read that a lot of people who built an EDM machine had problems with electrical interference and because of that, I build two separate circuits with separate power supplies.
But in theory, the signal can also be generated by the Arduino Mega or a timer circuit.
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