
Intel HEX files for FPGAs (no embedded CPUs!)

Uploading / downloading Intel HEX file stream during system runtime, implemented without embedded processor!

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About the format and use:

Intel HEX files have been used for many microcomputer systems for 40+ years. They have been supported by many platforms and development tools, and are still popular in retro-computing community.

For FPGAs, they can be used in two main ways:
1. Build-time, memory is initialized during build of the binary file using text file in .hex format
2. Run-time, memory is initialized by uploading a .hex file to running system

It is obvious that for (2) some sort of running processor (in addition to I/O device) is needed. This is usually provided by some embedded processor now common with FPGAs, often a "soft-core". What if the having such an embedded processor is an expensive overhead, or is not desired from design purity perspective? That's where this project comes in handy!

More info to come, but for now a demo video in action:

The best way to test and illustrate new components is to put them into a "end to end" project. It is even better to be able to visualize what is happening, and for that purpose a video output component was reused from another project

Here is the somewhat simplified schema of the top level file of the project, which is at the same time the test circuit:

The "new and noteworthy" components are explained in the project logs. The dual port RAM is initialized with an image during build time (as is often the case with FPGA projects, for example, "firmware" for the system being implemented). During runtime, it can either be loaded with new HEX file stream, contents read as HEX stream, or both (not at the same time, switch(0) on Mercury board selects the mode). 

Some other components visible on the schema:

  • 50MHz internal clock - it is divided by two and fed as pixel clock to VGA, closely matching the need for 640*480, 50Hz refresh video mode
  • 96MHz external clock - it is fed by "half can" on Mercury baseboard. All clocks in the project are derived from this one. Most importantly:
    • Divided by multiples of 2, it becomes hex_clk that is fed to hexin and hexout components (max. 12MHz)
    • Divided by constant, becomes the standard baudrate from 600 to 57600 Hz.
  • vga_controller - it is able to display image in 2 different formats, selectable by switch(1). Given that both formats occupy less than the 640*480 resolution, a "hardware window" is displayed on static background, and can be moved in 4 directions using the buttons on the baseboard
  • uart_modesel - simple 3 bit counter that allows selecting the UART mode (default at reset: 000 == 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop)
  • uart_baudsel - simple 3 bit counter that allows selecting the UART speed (default at reset: 111 == 57600)
  • vram_addrb - address MUX on the read side of the memory. Both vga_controller (to generated the image in the display window) and hexout (to assemble HEX character stream to output) need access to memory. Precedence is given to VGA, but if hexout manages to get access and flip the MUX to its side, it will keep it until the end of read cycle. This causes some "snow" on the image. It can be eliminated with a small speed tradeoff. Note that both components support full 16-bit address space, but the memory is 32k so A15 is dropped.
  • vram - this is 32k*8 dual port RAM, intrinsic to Xilinx Spartan, but most other FPGAs will have it as standard component. It contains the image which can be changed via HEX file upload.

Top level entity description defines the use of hardware resources on the board. A/D, PS/2 and audio in/out are not used. 

entity hex_io_mercury is
    Port ( 
                -- 50MHz on the Mercury board
                CLK: in std_logic;
                -- 96MHz external clock
                EXT_CLK: in std_logic;
                -- Master reset button on Mercury board
                USR_BTN: in std_logic; 

                -- Switches on baseboard
                -- SW(0) -- OFF: accept HEX input, ON: generate HEX output
                -- SW(1) -- OFF: TIM-011 video (512*256, 4 colors), ON: V99X8 video (256*192, 16 colors)
                -- SW(2) -- HEX_CLK speed sel 0 (000 = trace mode, tracer is active)
                -- SW(3) -- HEX_CLK speed sel 1
                -- SW(4) -- HEX_CLK speed sel 2 (111 = 12MHz)
                -- SW(5) -- ON: Enable character echo trace for HEXOUT
                -- SW(6) -- ON: Enable write to memory trace for HEXOUT
                -- SW(7) -- ON: Enable error trace for HEXOUT

                SW: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 

                -- Push buttons on baseboard
                -- BTN0 - HEX input mode: move window right    ; HEX output mode: start output
                -- BTN1 - HEX input mode: move window left    ; HEX output mode: increment mode register
                -- BTN2 - HEX input mode: move window down    ; HEX output mode: select uart_mode
                -- BTN3 - HEX input mode: move window up        ; HEX output mode: select uart_baudrate
                BTN: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 

                -- Stereo audio output on baseboard
                --AUDIO_OUT_L, AUDIO_OUT_R: out std_logic;

                -- 7seg LED on baseboard 
                A_TO_G: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); 
                AN: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 
                DOT: out std_logic; 
                -- 4...
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Microcode compiler full source code plus executable. It is advised to use latest and greatest version from github

x-zip-compressed - 208.90 kB - 09/28/2021 at 04:00



Project binary file, use with Micro-nova mercury programmer tool.

- 146.13 kB - 09/19/2021 at 21:52


  • Tracing and debugging for microcoded controllers

    zpekic09/15/2021 at 07:13 0 comments

    More details coming soon. In the meantime, check out this teaser

  • ser2par - a novel UART receiver (delay line approach)

    zpekic09/15/2021 at 07:12 0 comments

    Refer to the UART basics, and the component source

    UART "receivers" that convert serial bit stream into parallel word and "done" signal are usually implemented as state machines. The trick is to observe the space ('0') state of the RXD input to decide if it is long enough to qualify for start bit, and determine the mid-point of the start bit to sample data bits at 1 / baudrate time intervals after that. Once the whole frame is counted, the state machine needs to be reset to initial state and watch for start bit again. There is some complexity to such state machine, which has to run over twice the frequency of the incoming data stream (sampling theorem), but in reality much faster, usually 4 or 8 times faster. 

    It can be simplified, and no state machine is needed, with a simple observation:

    • if  we have n / 2 + 1 mark bits ('1') in row (e.g. 3 for baudrate * 4), then it must be either a data 1, or a stop bit
    • if at the same time, there are n / 2 + 1 space bits frame time in the past, then this must be a stop bit, and everything between is a data frame

    With this, one has to simply have a 44 bit shift register (max 11 bits per frame supported * clocked at baudrate * 4), which receives RXD on the right (shift up), and simultaneously acts as a delay line. The stop bit is detected at the right side ("now"), and start bit at the left side ("past"). 

    The operation mode is given by 3 mode bits:

    modedata lengthparityframe length
    1008space (0)11
    1018mark (1)11

    The schematic below attempts to describe the circuit, which could also be constructed with less than 20 off-the-shelf 74XX logic IC.

    1. 44-bit shift register "sr" is driven by rxd_clk which is 4*baudrate. It has both async reset (at restart to set it all to "1", which will prevent error start bit detection (remember, start bit is "0"), and sync reset which must happen when a frame_valid signal is detected. Otherwise, it just shifts up the rxd input one place left ("shift up"). This means the more MSB the bit is, the more in the past it is. This is implemented with a register and dual input MUX. Note that at "sync reset", the LSB will be the rxd input to prevent loss of input stream during this moment.
    2. Given that this receiver supports 10 (no parity bit) and 11 bit UART frames (parity present), the start bit can be either at 43..40 or 39..36. That is the task of the upper MUX driven by mode(2). The lower MUX samples 9 bits out of the remaining 40 from sr, 4 bits apart, and close to mid-point of the bit time. When the mode(2) = 0 (10 bit frame), the LSB is forced to "1", otherwise it is picked up from sr register and represents the parity bit which is right before stop bit. 
    3. The start bit detection works on the upper 4 bits of frame. To detect a "0", 3 contiguous bits out of 4 must be 0, therefore the NOR/AND generates "1" when start is 000X or X000. 
    4. The stop bit detection works at the end of frame - 3 contiguous bits must be 1 - this includes 2 at the end of sr and the current rxd. This is a "look-ahead" that saves one clock time delay in the circuit.
    5. If the start_bit is 1 and stop_bit is 1, we have a frame_valid. This signal is used to capture the 9-bit (data + 1 bit parity) into the "data" register (so that the shift register sr can continue to run and capture the serial stream)
    6. 9-bits from the data register are fed to standard parity-generating XOR ladder. The upper 8 bits are presented to output as "char" parallel data, but with bits flipped (because of the order how bits are sent in UART protocol)
    7. 3 mode control input bits select the valid output signal, with modes 0XX always  generating "1" because frame has no parity, while modes 1XX take the parity into consideration (NOTE: valid signal is not used nor was it tested in this design, may have bugs!)
    8. ready signal is frame_valid delayed 1 clock to ensure data register by that time already contains the stable data from the frame MUX. The ready will we 1 clock time...
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  • par2ser - a novel UART transmitter (counter driven MUX approach)

    zpekic09/15/2021 at 07:11 0 comments

    Refer to the UART basics, and the component source

    When it comes to converting parallel data to serial format, an idea of shift register comes to mind, and this is how often such circuits are implemented. However, with start / stop / parity bits, the shift register must be longer than the data, and with parallel data already buffered, the number of register bits doubles.

    This component uses a simple MUX instead, and a 4-bit counter (bitSel). Operation is as follows:

    1. Reset clears bitSel
    2. if bitSel is 0000, the clock input is MUXed to "send" input signal
    3. external circuit presents data at the input and on rising edge of "send":
      1. bitSel is incremented to 0001
      2. char is loaded from data (input data is free to change after this)
    4. now that bitSel is != 0000, the clock is MUXed to baudrate
    5. as bitSel is incremented with baudrate frequency, the 16-to-1 MUX presents the right output to TXD (1, 1, 1, 0, char(0)... char(7)...)
    6. after char(7), the next bit depends on parity mode if selected
    7. finally a stop bit is transferred to TXD (this is simply MUX input driven to '1')
    8. when bitCnt reaches 1110, it is reset to 0000 and the circuit is ready from step 2 above

    When bitCnt = 0000, it can also be used as a ready signal for the higher level circuit, meaning par2ser is idle and waiting to be loaded with data to transmit.

    Main clock is baudrate * 1, which is the speed at which TXD MUX needs to change inputs. The operation mode is given by 3 mode bits:

    modedata lengthparityframe length
    1008space (0)11
    1018mark (1)11

    Here is a rough (but pretty accurate) sketch of the circuit. It could be implemented in less that 10 74XX TTL ICs.

  • mem2hex component - read from memory and generate .hex character stream

    zpekic09/15/2021 at 06:57 0 comments

    Refer to microcode and source code for the following description.

    mem2hex is the simpler of two components. It is a linear memory reader, that adds some additional characters to the hex stream of memory bytes to produce a valid hex record. These records are 16 or 32 data bytes long, with the exception of last record which always has the same format (: 00 0000 01 FF)

    Component structure (.vhd)

    The main part are the registers that keep the state as the hex record is being assembled:

    • mem_page, 3 bits long. This is the upper part of the memory address (A15..A13). It is handled separately to allow easy match with the 8 PAGE inputs to the circuit. Each of these independently enables generation of 8k block of memory as hex output. As the mem_page is incremented, a simple 3-to-8 decoder compares with current mem_page with the PAGE - if there is a match, the records are generated otherwise skipped ( page_match <= PAGE(to_integer(unsigned(mem_page))); ) . update_mem_page() process defines the operations on this register, and is simply clear, increment or stay the same
    • mem_addr, 13 bits long. This is the lower part of the memory address A12..A0, that points within a byte in 8k block. update_mem_addr() process clears, increments or keeps this register same value 
    • checksum. 16-bit register that accumulates the checksum of each hex line. The value of this register updates at each clock cycle (lines 259 - 264), as a sum of checksum_r and checksum_s MUXs (line 280) which are both under microcode control. By default, checksum_r passes the register to one input of 16-bit adder, and checksum_s passes 0, resulting in no update. Other combinations cover address, data, complement etc. as needed to generate final checksum (only lower byte is eventually output)
    • d, 8 bits long. This accepts the byte value read from external memory. update_d() process also allows this register to be loaded with constants 0 and 1 which are useful to generate the hex record, in addition to memory read and no change. 
    • count, 8 bits long. The update_count process updates this register by initializing it to 16 or 32 based on input pin COUNTSEL, decrementing it, or zeroing. 
    • CHAR, 8 bit long. This register holds the ASCII code of the character written to the output stream. The update_char() process allows it to be initialized with some constants (space, CR, LF, zero, colon) as needed for the record to be assembled, but importantly, it picks up hex to ascii conversion (4 bit to 8 - bit) through a lookup table (lines 79 - 95). The 4-bit hex value is selected by the MUX in line 332, which allows 4-bit chunks of registers to be selected for the stream, for example to generate XXXX address, 4 microinstructions are needed to drive the MUX with selections from A15...A12 to A3..A0.

    Conditions: to drive the microcode logic, state of some registers must be detected, for example if count has reached zero, address / page is zero etc. These are in line 160...163.

    Memory bus interface: this is a "Z80" - like interface. mem2hex behaves as a DMA-output device:

    • nBUSREQ output is asserted low to demand bus
    • nBUSACK input is read, and if low, means mem2hex can access bus, otherwise there is indefinite wait until this signal goes low
    • nRD is asserted low to initiate read
    • ADDR is driven by page and address registers
    • nWAIT is read during bus read cycle, if found low, cycle is repeated, and when high, next clock transfers DBUS to d register
    • when nBUSACK is low, nRD and ADDR are enabled, otherwise they are tri-state. This allows connecting these signals to common system bus

    Code structure (.mcc)

    Microcode starts with the definition of storage and controller unit:

    .code 6, 34, mem2hex_code.mif, mem2hex_code.cgf, mem2hex_code.coe, m2h:mem2hex_code.vhd, mem2hex_code.hex, mem2hex_code.bin, 8;
    .mapper 8, 6, mem2hex_map.mif, mem2hex_map.cgf, mem2hex_map.coe, m2h:mem2hex_map.vhd, mem2hex_map.hex, mem2hex_map.bin, 1;
    .controller mem2hex_control_unit.vhd, 4;

    This defines:

    • controller with 4 level...
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  • hex2mem component - accept .hex character stream and write to memory

    zpekic09/15/2021 at 06:55 0 comments

    Refer to microcode and source code

    This component has the following capabilities:

    • Accept ASCII characters on its 8-bit write-only port with simple handshake logic (it can interface with an UART to accept serial stream from host computer)
    • Interpret incoming character stream as records in Intel .hex file format
    • If the record received is valid (no bad characters, right number of bytes, good checksum), write the record to memory
    • Memory interface is 16-bit address, 8-bit data, and using DMA logic similar to Z80 (BUSREQ - BUSACK)
    • Signals error on a dedicated pin
    • Provides a debug serial port to trace execution of the internal microcode

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