Sym-1, a 6502 Phoenix​
09/17/2021 at 03:29 • 0 commentsSerial Interface: Use an USB FTDI board to interface the Sym-1 to a modern terminal
Sym-1 connections: 8bit 6522 parallel port to the Mega2560+handshake
Sym-1 and MFS filing system: Mega Filing System saves to SD Card
S3 and L3 commands in MFS: Extending the Sym-1 monitor
Sym-1 Memory Expansion: 64k of RAM from Corsham Technologies
Inspiration for the MFS: Banish the Cassette from your nightmares!!!
Memory Allocation and Jumpers: How to allocate memory space to RAM and EPROM
EPROM Programmer: How to program an 8Kb EPROM with little more than a Mega2560
RAE, The Resident Assembler and Editor:
Background to this Project: Long term memories, and distant ramblings