Quantity   Component name
1 × Duo Pop Game System The company, Discovery Bay Games, is closed. You can pick these up on Amazon and Walmart.com for about $14.
1 × QT Py RP2040 This is an in expensive Adafruit dev board. You could use any Circuitpython compatible dev board. Pins would need to be changed in the code though.
1 × 430 or 470 ohm resistor 430 to 470 ohm resistor works fine with the LED.
1 × Various lengths of wire I used 22 AWG, solid core wire. Use what works best for you.
1 × Sliding Switch - Single Pole Double Throw Optional: If you want to use 3 AAA batteries. I pulled mine out of an old toy.
1 × Diode Optional: If you want to use 3 AAA batteries. I used a 1N4001 diode. I got mine from Adafruit.