The Pico WiFi HAT attaches to the back of your Raspberry Pi and uses an ESP8266 high integration wireless SoC to connect to 2.4GHz wireless networks and transfer data. Pico WiFi HAT also includes a 1.14-inch display with a resolution of 240 x 135 pixels, 65K RGB colours, and a sharp and vivid exhibiting effect, designed primarily for user engagement via SPI connection by incorporating a GPIO header, and designed primarily for user engagement via SPI connection by incorporating a GPIO header.
The ST7789 Driver and SPI Interface are built into the 1.14-inch LCD, which cuts down on the amount of IO pins needed. It also features two reset buttons and a flash button for flashing the ESP8266 WiFi Chip's firmware.
The Pico WiFi HAT is perfect for adding wireless capabilities to an existing Pico project, such as sending sensor data to home automation systems or dashboards, hosting a web page from a matchbox, or allowing your Pico to connect with internet APIs.
It comes with female headers that may be put directly into the Raspberry Pi Pico's back, as seen above, or into a "Pico 2 Channel expander & 4 Channel expander" board.
What are the benefits of using the Raspberry Pi Pico Wi-Fi HAT?
Your code is easy to create since you don't have to cache socket data or design and debug an SSL library because WiFi is handled by a different chip. Pico Wifi lets you to send simple but powerful socket-based commands via 2.4GHz SPI for high-speed data transmission. Using the most up-to-date WEP64 / WEP128 / TKIP / AES encryption with IPv4, TCP / UDP / FTP / HTTP Network Protocol, the ESP8266 can handle all of the heavy lifting of connecting to a WiFi network and delivering data from a location.
The AT firmware for the ESp8266 is preloaded on all Pico Wi-Fi HATs, allowing you to create and design your projects without having to update the AT firmware for the ESp8266.
Complete installation process visit:
GitHub Link:
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I'm from Morocco, i just bought a Raspberry Pi Pico from an Moroccan e-market , and i want to start learn how i can make this project, is like a challenge but i will try