1Step 1
Wemos D1 Mini
RGB LED with WS2811
Din -->
D5 (GPIO14)
+5V -->
GND -->
SCL -->
D1 (GPIO5)
SDA -->
D2 (GPIO4)
SCL -->
D1 (GPIO5)
SDA -->
D2 (GPIO4)
Buzzer (active)
+ -->
D8 (GPIO15)
TTP223B digital touch capacitive sensor
Dout -->
D6 (GPIO12)
2Step 2
Power Supply
You must use a power supply 5V with a capacity of 2 A or more.
Loading Supporting Library Files in Arduino
The following packages and libraries are used (download and install):
- ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon (version 6.13.0)
- TimeLib by Paul Stoffregen (version 1.5)
- PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary (version 2.7)
- RTClib by Adafruit (version 1.3.3)
- Adafruit Unified Sensor by Adafruit (version 1.0.3) (for DHT sensor only)
- DHT sensor library by Adafruit (version 1.3.8) (for DHT sensor only)
- BlueDot BME280 Library by BlueDot (version 1.0.9)
- NetCrtESP (version 1.0) https://github.com/Lightwell-bg/NetCrtESP
- ESPTimeFunc (version 1.0) https://github.com/Lightwell-bg/ESPTimeFunc
Note: There could be some Issues if using different versions of the libraries.
3Step 3
Initial Configuration
Starting with LW-Clock editing the Config.h file is optional. SSID and password for Wi-Fi, all API Keys are managed in the Web Interface. It is not required to edit the Config.h file before loading and running the code.
This project requires SPIFFS for saving and reading configuration settings
Use an external power supply with a capacity of 2 A or more!
NOTE: The settings in the Config.h are the default settings for the first loading. After loading you can change the settings via the Web Interface. If you want to change settings again in the Config.h, you will need to erase the file system on the Wemos or use the “Reset Settings” option in the Web Interface. During the first time run, Wemos D1 mini will try to connect to your Wi-Fi and fail (because it doesn't have any previously saved Wi-Fi credentials). This will cause it to start up an access point, which serves up a captive configuration portal. You can connect to this access point to select and enter credentials for your network. Save configuration and restart device. (Wemos D1 mini will restart and connect to your Wi-Fi network)
Web Interface
All clock management is carried out using a web browser. On first power-up, LED Pixel Clock will serve a hotspot called LW-Clock. For clock adjustment and manipulation open a webpage with the address. Within this hotspot you can manually override the time and date, set text messages for display, set timecodes of messages output and update software.
For Wi-Fi network connection please input its SSID and password. After successful connection LW-Clock will begin to receive and transmit information over the Internet. NTP servers are used to get accurate time. To transmit temperature, humidity and barometric pressure data you can use the MQTT server https://www.cloudmqtt.com/ and the server https://thingspeak.com. You can also transmit information for display on the clock in the form of a creeping line through the MQTT server.
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