
Walk the Scales with the Melody Screen

A project log for Macropad 4chord MIDI

Compose with just four chords using Adafruit's Macropad

deckeregoDeckerEgo 03/29/2023 at 01:370 Comments

Up to now you have been able to build harmonies using four-chord progressions, or build a rhythm track using the drum pad screen. Now you can build melodies using the "scale" screen!

Choose Minor Pentatonic, Major Blues, Harmonic Minor - whatever scale you so desire and pick your key + octave. All twelve chromatic notes are pressable (starting with your root note), however only the notes in your scale are highlighted. This way you can hammer out a pentatonic scale to accompany your chords, and add some transition notes along the way if you like.

With this update you have all the basics you need to build a track. You can lay down kick/snare/toms, then add a harmony plus a bass line with the four-chord progression screen, then hammer out a melody on a complementary scale. Perfect for when something is stuck in your head and you need to get it in a DAW before you forget it.
