The AIRs, or Accumulator Isolation Relays, are large relays used to separate the battery pack from the rest of the car. This is done for safety reasons, since our battery pack outputs 450V, which can be dangerous. One of the safety systems used by our battery pack is the AIR Circuitry. This board consists of a series of diodes and capacitors that allow the AIRs to stay open for up to 92ms after power is disconnected from the AIRs. It is very dangerous to cut off power to the AIRs abruptly, since this can cause the relays to “weld” together. Thus, this board protects the AIRs and is a critical safety feature of our car.
- Key Components:
EV200HAANA: The smallest, lightest weight, lowest cost sealed contactor in the industry with its current rating (500+A carry, 2000A interrupt at 320VDC). On our car, we use two of these as our positive and negative Accumulator Isolation Relays.

- Hermetically sealed – intrinsically safe, operates in explosive/harsh environments with no oxidation or contamination of coils or contacts, including long periods of nonoperation.
- 1.7W hold power @ 12VDC
- Auxiliary contact for easy monitoring of power contact position.