

Code of this universe. Forked from private repository.

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Code of this universe. Forked from a private repository.

Hello User. This is a fork of Universe project. Unfortunately free access to latest full code temporarily blocked, at least one million years, at the request of the copyright holders. I’m not sure if the Catholic or Orthodox Church are copyright holders, but we must comply with local laws. Anyway... If You detect or see some bug or misuse of this program, you can open issue with report the bug or misuse here. If You are happy or satisfied with current version , what are You doing here ?

Current version 0.42z

How to build: Are You sure ? Think twice! It takes at least 6 days.

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    Are You sure? Think twice.It takes at least 6 days.


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Ken Yap wrote 10/18/2021 at 10:29 point

Sorry, Stephen thought of it in or before 1993. 😉

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Samsonov Dima wrote 11/01/2021 at 09:44 point

It was about hardware implementation. There is software.

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Elliot Williams wrote 10/18/2021 at 08:32 point

At least you get to rest on the seventh day, right?

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Samsonov Dima wrote 10/18/2021 at 08:45 point


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