Like the description says, this is a collection of horrible-goose-themed SAOs involving capacitive touch. They are made in KiCad 5.1.10, the latest stable version.
SAO 1: Basic Cap Touch Sensor

(The photo above is an older version; it has since been moved to the SAO v1.69bis connector)

(this is what the back of the PCB looks like with the SAO connector)
Under the goose is a large copper plane. Touch the goose and it drives the HONK pin high. Use this to control something on the host badge. You can see me using it to control a speaker in this tweet from back in May. That Arduino code (along with the KiCad project of course) are in the linked git repo.
SAO 2: Basic Sensor After Dark

It's the same circuit as above, but the "HONK" text and sensor footprint have been optimized for OSH Park's After Dark boards.
SAO 3: After Dark and Extra Sinister

Another After Dark board. Similar to the others, but instead of breaking out the SYNC pin, GPIO2 is used to drive a reverse-mounted LED. This makes the goose eye glow and lays bare the true nature of this horrible fowl menacing the village. KiCad thinks none of the traces are valid because I used graphic arcs instead of normal routing.
SAO 4: Self-Contained Honk Unit

(The above photo is an earlier revision with no boost circuit and using the SP-1609 speaker, not the SP-1609S)
Once I learned about the existence of extra-small "sugar cube" speakers from [Xasin], I knew I'd have to build an SAO that could function as a standalone honking device. In addition to the cap-touch IC, there's an ATtiny85 driving a 16mm×9mm speaker.
Once I got the tiny speaker, it became clear that 3.3V is not sufficient to get an audible honk! I have added a simple boost converter to drive the ATtiny85 and the speaker with 5V instead of 3.3V; be warned that I've only tested it on a breadboard, not this PCB.
The ATtiny85 is programmed with a SOICbite connector.
The HONK text was generated using the very cool KiBuzzard plugin by Greg Davill.