1Code Edition
Open the example. “File” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaMQTTClient” -> “lass_basic”
This example requires internet connection, so make sure you fill in SSID and PASS into AP information that you wish to connect.
Also, LASS requires GPS information. There is no GPS sensor included in this example, so you must manually provide GPS information. Use Google Map to find the coordinates you plan to place your Ameba. You can see in this example that the latitude is 24.7814033, and the longitude is 120.9933676
Fill in GPS info at gps_lat and gps_lon.
2Hardware Connection
RTL8722DM / RTL8722CSM:
3Upload and Execution
Open Serial Monitor to see the uploaded data, including client id, topic, and current PM2.5 status.
We can also use MQTTlens to verify if the data is properly uploaded.
Enter “gpssensor.ddns.net” as the MQTT-Broker server and “LASS/Test/PM25/live” as the subscribe topic to receive data.
The time uses UTC format, and the PM2.5 data stores in s-d0. In the figure, s_d0 = 9 represents that the PM2.5 is 9, meaning that the entire publish/ subscribe process is working successfully.
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