ESS-543-source-b000.txtReverse-engineered source file for the Elektor Colour Graphics Card software in the Octopus system.Creates the bytes listed in Elektor March 1986, pages 68 and 69. There may be some OCR errors! plain - 32.32 kB - 06/11/2023 at 15:59 |
ESS-543-hex-b000.txtSource file for the Elektor Colour Graphics Card software in the Octopus system.Consists of the bytes listed in Elektor March 1986, pages 68 and 69. There may be some OCR errors! text/plain - 16.69 kB - 06/11/2023 at 19:25 |
ESS-543-IC10.txtSource file for the Elektor Colour Graphics Card IC10.Row Address Decoder. Could be replaced by a PAL16L8. plain - 811.00 bytes - 06/11/2023 at 15:37 |
ESS-543-IC30.txtSource file for the Elektor Colour Graphics Card IC30.High-speed timing controller. Could be replaced by a PAL16L8. A PAL16R8 could replace IC10 and IC16. plain - 1.33 kB - 06/11/2023 at 15:37 |
MC-Grafik-Terminal.z80.txtSource code made by adding information from the article to the disassembly. Assembles online at and binary output verified the same as the original 1200 baud ROM. NB the magazine listing has 9600 baud.text/plain - 110.40 kB - 04/03/2022 at 03:49 |
MC-Grafik-Terminal.html.zipThe MC magazine Graphic Terminal article quickly converted to html. Some errors may be present but you can get the gist of what is going on.application/zip - 1.50 MB - 04/03/2022 at 00:29 |
termb_1200Bd.dasm.txtMC graphic terminal firmware disassembly. Some of the code is actually data.plain - 123.48 kB - 04/02/2022 at 15:12 |
termb_1200Bd.hexMC graphic terminal firmware hex file.hex - 22.51 kB - 04/02/2022 at 15:13 |
termb_1200Bd.binMC graphic terminal firmware binary file.octet-stream - 8.00 kB - 04/02/2022 at 15:13 |
Klein_GDP64_manual-html.zipKlein's CRT3 manual in HTML form.It is still in German, but with Chrome you can right-click to translate to English - or whatever is your native language. The original scans are not good quality, some illegibility, so the OCR has some errors. Zip Archive - 3.92 MB - 11/05/2021 at 14:24 |
Klein_CRT3_HARDCOPY_assembly_source_code.txt8080/8085 mnemonics.Assembles online, but otherwise untested. plain - 1.69 kB - 10/31/2021 at 16:11 |
Klein_CRT3_example_program_in_BASIC.txtUntested. Uses a dialect of BASIC with some oddities.Single-quote mark is 'REM' ö is 'modulo' plain - 3.49 kB - 10/31/2021 at 16:11 |
Klein_CRT3_manual-html.zipKlein's CRT3 manual in HTML form.It is still in German, but with Chrome you can right-click to translate to English - or whatever is your native language. The programs have been OCR'd and checked visually. They have not been tested on a real system because I don't have one, but should be a good start if you are prepared to look for bugs. Zip Archive - 917.53 kB - 10/31/2021 at 15:59 |